Desferal for 24hour none stop???

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Offline Nur

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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2008, 02:29:09 PM »
Only helping as much as i know.

May i ask where are you working at Haiker? Pejabat kerajaan atau swasta? I am working too and currently in private company and i carry my pump to work too. I agree with you that they are heavy.


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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2008, 05:14:44 PM »
I think what Sharmin said is the likely problem. And this is one more reason that thumbtack needles are easier to use. They go straight in at a 90 degree angle so it's much easier to get them deep enough to do the job.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2008, 11:26:50 AM »
hai nur,, i'm working at pejabat kerajaan.. (kerani biasa aje)..

and i yes the pump is a bit big for me to carry.. hhmm.. and sometimes the pump can be a little annoying when i'm working.. i wish they can invent a slim pump which is much more lighter and smaller... 

Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2008, 02:22:05 PM »
Hi Nur & Haiker,

I am from Malaysia as well. My daugther is 5 years old. Talking about the pump.. I saw some post stating that there's a light weight infusion pump call Chrono Pump. Have u guys enquire about that? Is it available in Malaysia? I wonder is it expensive. May i noe what brand of pump do both of u using now? I am borrowing other patient's old pump currently. Thou i am still searching for a good but not so expensive pump that available.

Waiting for reply  :wink


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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2008, 04:50:02 PM »
regarding the needle @ 45 degree angle, lets say if i am using upper arm site, wouldn't the butterfly sort of stand on my arm, how will i tape it then. I usually start at approx 30 degree angle while entering the needle, then when i feel something like needle has entered some sort of empty area, i slide it horizontally and i really feel that needle is resting between skin and muscle.
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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2008, 11:25:56 AM »
hai kinny and tariq..

i'm using sims graseby pump right now.. which is fixed rate syringe driver.. it take 11hour to finish my 15ml desferal.. i have seen a lot of different pump here in sabah but all look the same size, only some have digital setting and can change the rate hour and speed.. i don't know what the price is but here in sabah free pump are given to all thalasemia.   :wink

eemm.. tariq i'm not very good at needle injection.. so i can't really answer your question.. and i never try inject my self at my arm.. maybe someone else can help here... plsss...  :huh 


Offline Qiji

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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2008, 12:24:35 PM »
Hello HaIkEr77

I use Desferal, I take 4 Desferal vial, 8 hour in a day, 7 days in a week with out stop and I use 10 cc of water and i use pump I don't have any problem. 


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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2008, 08:47:01 PM »
I use Desferal, I take 4 Desferal vial, 8 hour in a day, 7 days in a week with out stop and I use 10 cc of water and i use pump I don't have any problem
Hi Qiji,
isn't it too fast , it means 2 hurs per desferal vial , its too fast ,i thin its best to take desferal as long as u can to take full benefit to it .... i think it too fast .... wait for others wat they have to say abt it ..

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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2008, 10:09:06 PM »

As Umair has said, we would like to see you do your desferal over a longer period of time if you can.  You should be using it for a minimum of 10 hours in order for desferal to be really effective.  12 hours would be even better.  It is great that you are using desferal 7 days a week, if you add a couple of more hours to each day that would be perfect.  Also, do you take vitamin C 1/2 hour after beginning desferal?  That would an effective method to remove more iron with desferal.  If you don't mind me asking Qiji, what is your ferritin level?



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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2008, 11:35:14 PM »
ya I know that but the problem is time.

what you mean by  ferritin level ??
ferritin level = Iron level


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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #25 on: November 20, 2008, 12:49:38 AM »
Serum Iron: shows how much Iron is in the Blood (the amount being currently used) while the
Serum Ferritin : shows the amount stored in the body for future use.

something like that :huh

The serum ferritin is a more sensitive test than the serum iron or TIBC for iron deficiency and for iron overload..

Hi Qiji ,
Yes , Serum Ferritin is to check iron Level in blood  , as above mentioned quotes mentioning it.... but please wait for other members to reply , it will b good ....
serum ferritin, which is a reflection of the total amount of storage iron.A ferritin test measures the amount of iron in your blood.The amount of ferritin in the blood shows how much iron is stored in your body....

i hope you got your answer ..

Best regards
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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2008, 01:05:46 AM »
Its A Quote From, to read full article here's the link below
An explanation of iron and serum ferritin tests

There are actually several aspects of the iron metabolic pathway that can be tested. In terms of hair loss the most useful test value is believed to be the serum ferritin level. However, testing other iron parameters can be helpful in understanding the general health of patients.

Serum iron level - Serum iron is a measure of circulating iron bound to transferrin and reflects total body iron. Serum iron measurements may be affected by menstrual cycle, time of day, diet, hepatitis, and use of iron containing placebos found in some oral contraceptive packages. On its own this test just gives a snap shot in time of your iron levels and it is not very helpful for defining a chronic iron deficiency or other iron problems. However, when the test value is examined in comparison to other iron tests it can help provide information leading to a disease diagnosis.

Serum ferritin level - Ferritin is an indicator of stored iron in the body. Ferritin is the main protein that stores iron for areas that need it, especially the liver and the bone marrow where red blood cells are made. The iron ferritin level is the first in line to drop if the individual suffers any iron insufficiency from diet, malabsorption or loss during heavy or menstruation lasting more than 5 days. A drop in the iron ferritin level occurs before any depletion in serum iron (as seen in iron-deficient anemia) and may decrease significantly without any obvious symptoms whatsoever. While the serum ferritin level at which a deficiency can be claimed is hotly argued by different schools of doctors, an excess of serum ferritin is generally agreed to be a bad thing. Iron stored at high levels is toxic. The body can only metabolize so much iron in a day. If it receives too much, the body is overwhelmed and toxic effects develop. It is possible to overdose on iron supplements. For this reason, taking large supplement doses of iron is not recommended. If, in response to a low iron and ferritin test result, you start to take iron supplements and feel ill, it probably means you are taking to much for your body to cope with. Take a lower dose.

Its A Quote From, to read full article here's the link below :
A ferritin blood test checks the amount of ferritin in the blood. Ferritin is a protein in the body that binds to iron; most of the iron stored in the body is bound to ferritin. The amount of ferritin found in the blood is the same amount that is in the body.

Its A Quote From, to read full article here's the link below :
Alternative Names
Serum ferritin level; Serum iron
above mentiod link's index is ,
Key Concepts:
  • Importance of Iron in the Body
    Iron-storage Protein and Control of the Amount of Iron in the Body (Interactively view a molecule in this section.)
    Graphical Molecular Representations
    Importance of Molecular Visualization
    Different Types of Representations and What Information They Give
    Structure of Ferritin
    Amino Acids
    Peptide Subunits (Interactively view a molecule in this section.)
    24-Subunit Structure (Interactively view a molecule in this section.)
    Removal of Fe from Ferritin
    Crystal-lattice Mineral Structure
    Polar vs. Nonpolar (Interactively view a molecule in this section.)

Another link about Ferritin Test .... but it have the same info ,that above mentioned links have.

Best Regards
Take Care
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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #27 on: November 20, 2008, 11:49:45 AM »
thank you Umiar for this good information realy you are nice friend.


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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2008, 12:22:35 PM »
 :grin :biggrin :grin  :biggrin :grin
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Re: Desferal for 24hour none stop???
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2008, 01:00:57 PM »
hello everybody..

can i ask something. . .  what is the accurate time to take vitamin C??
bcoz i seen some people say 2 hour after u set u desferal, some say 1 hour and some say 1/2 hour after beginning desferal..

which one is the best time to take vitamin C?? :huh :huh


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