Hi Zahra,
I am sorry i don't know much about mutations,what i do know id that your doctor is correct,hb of 9.5 or 10 is necessary for good growth,for every bodily part to grow normally,with out any extra stress due to chronic anemia.
As i said i don't know about mutations,but with his hb i am assuming that he might be an intermedia,because at 6 months his hb might have fallen a bit further if he was a major,still Andy would be able to help you read the mutation.
And if he is an intermedia,you might not need to give him regulare transfusions,give a transfusion,keep track of his hb,when it get's really low,give a transfusion again.
What you have to keep in mind is that giving chronic transfusions,and NOT giving regular transfusions,both have their consequences.If you don't transfuse him regularly,it can cause his bone marrow to work abnormally,which will result in expansion of bones,weak bones,and stress on other organs of the body due to lack of oxygen,and we have heard about extramedullary hematopoesis,in which bone marrow works so hard trying to keep with the lack of red cells,coming out of the bones creating a mass near bones,pressing other organs nearby causing pain,but on the other hand we have seen Manal's son who is doing very well without any transfusion,so it is a bit confusing,every case is particular.
And if you give regular transfusions,frst of all you'll have to be sure that blood you are giving to your child is properly screened,free of any kind of diseases,then you'll have to deal with iron overload,which is a bit easier due to oral chelators now a days,but still they can have their own side effects.
You are the one to take decision,i hope my so long post will help

good luck.