I am 12 weeks pregnant and have thal b minor. When I went to my first doctor's visit, I made sure they knew I had thal. They recommended me to a hematologist right away and I went the next week. They did bloodwork and decided I should come back in 3 weeks to check my levels again. If there were no improvements or things were worse they wanted to start me on IV iron - Venofer. I just went back this Tuesday and in less than a month my hemoglobin had gone from 11.6 to 9 - normal for women is about 12 - 16 grams/deciliter. They decided to go ahead with the Venofer. I voiced my concern about having thal and receiving more iron could be harmful, but they were not concerned or just aren't knowledgable about it. So that same day I had my first "treatment" and was scheduled for one a week for five more weeks. I felt fine the first day, but everyday since Tuesday I have felt extremely sick. I'm experiencing nausea and vomiting, extreme weakness/fatigue, etc and now it is not from morning sickness. I called the doctor yesterday and they prescribed some nausea pills, but I am nervous to take them. Now I am unsure about continuing with the treatments because of how terrible it has made me feel and I know I probably should have done more research before agreeing to put my body and my baby through these treatments. Does anyone have any experience with Venofer? Any help would be appreciated. I am definitely talking to both my OB/GYN and hematologist on Monday before I continue with the IV iron.
Thanks - Emily