Chelators need to be taken at a certain dosage and a certain frequency to be effective.
A chronically transfused patient should not go more than 48 hours without chelation because when no chelator is on board free iron (which does not have anything to bind to) and is able to do oxidative damage to internal tissue and organs. As I have mentioned in a previous thread. has little if any effectiveness at dosages below 30mg/kg of body weight, daily. Doctors often start patients at lower doses to determine how well it will be tolerated by the patient. If it is well tolerated, and things are going well then doctors should increase the dose to 30mg/kg.
Desferal effectiveness is measured best by duration. Ideally, desferal should be on 24/7 - but for practical reasons and because of possible toxicity this is often not the case. However, desferal should be infused for at least 10 - 12 hours a night in order to be effective. The exact duration is determined by the frequency of transfusions, as well as the LIC or ferritin levels. Patients should note that infusing desferal for less than 10 hours is not adequate. Ideally, patients should be infusing desferal 12 hours, 5 - 7 times a week.
Best of luck and keep chelating!!!
Please add valuable information that you all have learned to this post!!