Thank you Maha for letting me know. I didn't know the kid's age. However in my unit we have a little girl around 8 who is on ferriprox and exjade and her fe is somewhere near 200 and has not stopped chelation. Of course, she is not 5.
Lena, here in the Netherlands they treat each person different! Most patients don't get tx's in time or don't do chelation. I know one patient (30+) who get the ferritin with ferriprox down to 600 and then stopped. Her doctor told her to do that, and then she started with regular transfusions. At that time she get rarely a tx. Now she gets 2 bags every 3 weeks, does no chelation and also no ferritin tests....
I wish soon we will all have the same treatment. [Personally, I am very concerned about my almost 14-year old friend who get now rarely transfusions (lives on a too low hgb level), has diabetes and don't do
any chelation.]
Maybe it's normal that those countries has a different protocol. If I am right that little miss A. stopped chelation due the bone problem. Unfortunately, she is not the only one. Also I started to get not so good labresults - except for ferritin what is still decreasing.