Sharmin, that is a super topic and this challange of making them eat does not end.
I agree very much with Mother of two and with Sharmin on all the tips especially
tell your children about the positive qualities of nutritious food and what impact it has on their bodies and remind them often
tell them also about the negative effects non-nutritious foods have on their body
tell them why certain nutrients are necessary and how they protect their bodies
From my expierence, each age has its own strategies, for example when my kids were younger, making sure to have at least 5 colours in each meal was something that made them interested in eating. Having at least 5 colours made them actually eat a balance meal, for example, brown for meat, white for rice, orange for carrots, red for tomatos, green for vegtables and so on
Later on, knowing the benefits of food was the more important to them, but also from my personal expierence, i find that when children refuse to eat vegetables for example.. part of this is testing how parents will react. I once talked about my expierence with my son when he decided not to eat vegetables at all. At that time, i insisted and told him that there is no food but vegetables. He was stubborn and didn't eat for one and half days and i served nothing but vegetables. At the end he had to eat because he was hungry and by time he got used to the taste to the extent that when i tell him that we have vegetables soup, he says '' Ummi i want one plate

Some times when children get little older some wrong ideas control their appetite and attitude towards food and it depends on their personality whether it will be easy to reveal what in their minds or not. This happened to me once with my daughter when by coincendent she was listening to two of our relatives talking about diet and body shape ( it is very important to take care of what to say in front of kids and what not to say ) and she understood that eating food will make you have an awful body and you will br out of shape, she didn't consult with me or asked me whether she understood right or wrong, but she decided at that time to decrease her intake of food and i observed that she started to avoid finishing her plate and actually she lost weight, you will be amazed to know that at this stage my daughter was only 6.5 years and it took me a lot to understand what was going on until she finally confessed to my mother. At that time i explained to her the correct view ad even i showed her pictures of people suffering from anaroxia nervosa (spelling..) to frighten her i wanted to show her how she could end up
Some other strategies that work too is talking especially to big children about the bless of having food and how it is a bless that God give and to show them that in some countries people are starving and that God is giving them something that they should be grateful for
From my expierence too, i find my son to be more healthy and energetic when he eats every three or four hours but actually during school times this is impossible because i can not control him, he usually does not eat the meali give him preferring to play and telling me stories about how it fell or how he forgot it or any other thing and the result is that he doesn't eat at all except for some milk from 8 am till 4 pm when he gets back and till now i have n idea how to solve this problem in school daus which is almost the whole year
i think, the personality of each child plays an important role in receiving advices about food and it is a challange for us to see from which part we will address him/her.
These were some thoughts from my personal expierence that i hope would be of any benefit