regard my son first bone marrow transplant failed i think because the cemotharapy in the bigining is not enough that what i thinjk and he do't have any coplication he return back to thalassimia major again even the Dr's don't know.
a bout his second bone marrow transplant we didn't use the bone marrow we used the prepheral blood stem cells from the same donor we take from her the bone marrow in the first tried .
the complication was after 45 days of transplant he got a coma this come reson from some kind of drug it's name CYCLOSPORINE this drug imunesupress let the new bone marrow working and crow in the host body without any kind of rejiction from lymphosite cells but he got a come and make LISIONE in the brain but it was not strong one after the Dr stop that drug he found out the boy have GVHD (graft versus host disese) without that drug he have to use medrol as high dose to prevent the viruses and GVHD after a while with a GOD help Dr.javid deside to give new drug and also it's similler to the old drug it's name CELL-CEPT but it's less poisene he lost almost 10 kilo from his wight within 2 month but now he recover it a gain his a bility to walk before was ZERO not like other child in his age now he return back as before giving me real head ache but am very happy for this head ache because i promise him to give him real head ache in his first night when he get marry in feuture LOL
any way i sugest when you or any one decide to make this operation to put front his or her eyes THERE IS A FAIL AND SUCCESS THERE IS A LIFE AND DIE THE Dr JUST A RESON
also from my expiriance when i've been in italy for 13 month we have three family they lost there children. 5 years old and 16 years old and 13 years old but the successeful is more than 90%.....
i hop i answer your quistions
khalifa almusallam