hummm ... good question ...
its same on my side As Zaini and others mentioned ..
but i want to add a few details :
we wake up with dawn , offer's Fajr Salat ( prayer ) , then prepare our sleves for Eid Salat ..
me My Father, my Bros, My cousins and my uncle goes to offer Eid Salat togather .. ( a good thing what is neccessory after eid salat is to hug each other wat we do ) .. then we go to visit Grave yard to remember our relatives who r not with us, to Requeim for them and to remember them on this happy ocassion to remember that one day we all have to die , so determine to keep our selves away from sins . after that we comes back to home and then our primary mission start's , that is to hide out the VIP of those 3 days and catch him ASAP , guess who he could be..... yeah you r absolutely right "THE BUTCHER" ... After Catching the Butcher its time to sacrifice Animal As Zaini mentioned ,
what we celebrate is a great sacrifice one of Allah's Messengers Hazrat Ibrahim was going to make,we call it Sunnat-e-Ibrahimi here ,(Sunnat being an act done by a Messenger( or Prophet) and followed by the believers ).

... after that its time to distributing or gifting Meat to the People who deserve that meat , to the people wo can't afford to sacrifice Animal, so they can eat meat ( Poor people, its the best thing to give the meat of Sacrificed animal in them , ) so we distrbute large amount of meat in those people ...
me, my family, my uncles and theirs families spend all three Eid days Togather , and we co-operate to each other to do this all .... its fun its joy and its happiness , thats wat Eid is in Pakistan , in my country ..........
Special Dishes : Koorma, Biryaani and Bar B.Q ....
[bgcolor=#baff00]Eid Mubarak To All my friends who are celebrating Eid , and Eid Mubarak in Advance to my country fellow Friends .... [/bgcolor]Best Regards
Take Care