Hi stud_na, aforboll & lusanima !..
I hope you will find answers of your all concerns and questions that you have in your mind, about thalassemia reltaed issues .. i hope you will find this community very helping, caring, supporting and encouraging .. its your own communit , soo , please dont hesiteate to share anything you want to share , and feel free to ask anything you want to ask about , soo start post and then keep posting , stay in-touch with us . its realy nice to have you people here on forum ....
here is a link that is all about " how to pst new or reply to topics ".. its a getting started like guide , i hope it will b helpful for you .... here is the link below .....
http://www.thalassemiapatientsandfriends.com/index.php?topic=1858.0Best Regards
Take Care