Hi All
Firstly I would like to congratulate you all on such an informative and supportive forum. Well done!
I am so glad to have found this site, especially as I have been experiencing quite alot of frustration and confusion since my doctor told me my blood test results suggested i had an Alpha Thal trait, last week.
Now my frustration lies with my doctor for telling me, as an afterthought, that its only relevent if I had a baby with someone who also has an alpha trait which could result in a baby with a mild form of Thalassaemia! Well I had already done my homework and knew that the risk wasn't as irrelevent and mild as he was making out, so I gave up with getting info from my G.P, who obviously had limited knowledge on the subject and decided to source information elsewhere..... so here I am!
I am of english decent with no other known backgrounds in my family history. I suspect my trait comes from my grandmother who does have particularly olive skin, and my mother has microcytic, hypochromic (sp) red blood cells but that was put down to an iron deficiency.
Now my confusion comes from the un-interest from the G.P (and most g.p's in the UK as it seems) in confirming that it is an Alpha Thal trait. Am I correct in thinking that an Alpha Thal trait is not straight forward in diagnosing as it would require genetic testing to confirm? -which is obviously too expensive as a trait is "assymptomatic" (not my words).
Nothing was mentioned about informing other family members and nothing was advised about the possibility that i may have passed this trait to my sons......
You are told the diagnosis and then pushed out into the world to figure out what it all means and what to do about it!
Also I had a routine Thalassaemia screen when i was pregnant but because I was iron deficient the Thal was missed, I assume because I am not in a high risk Thal group the docs just ruled it out.
I'm also assuming my husband doesn't also have a trait as my sons age 2 and 3 seem perfectly healthy, but would it be wise for him to be checked anyway?
So for the ramble! So many questions......!!!
Thanks in advance

p.s I had the blood test in the first place because I was experiencing symptoms of Anaemia.... tiredness, breathlessness, palpitations, muscles feeling heavy, pallor - I think my iron level was 15 so it wasn't low, but nothing else has explained these symptoms until I read other thal minor experiences on here.