Hello Rogue
its lovely to have u here
sorry to read wht all u have gone through but at the same time u are a source of inspiration for many
im not a regular on thalpal but whenevr i loggin i find many members inpiring me and giving me a share of their positiveness towards life...a big thanx to them as well
i had my spleen removed at the age of 13
i was given penicillin injection (tht was a dose for a yr) but it was so painful
that i opted to take a tablet a day...of pencillin for the following year..n folic acid which i take till date
about the operation...i was given anesthesia n my stomach was slit (6 inches)...which was stapled after the operation...it took long time for me to b shifted to my room from ICU...approx..10 hours
n it was painful for a few days...but healed up in abt a month's time....though that scar is still thr
...n thts normal
ask me if u want to know anything more about the splenactomy...
hope u get some more gud suggestions from our big family
tkc..love n reagrds