Lately, my son had many pustules ( big pimples full of pus). The first ( was on October 2nd )was really a big one above his knee and we used to put antibiotic cream on it until the pediatric saw it and told me that it is better to take antibiotic syrup too. It remained for 10 days until is was completly cured, but left a little scar. Later after a month or more,another one appeared on his nose and remained for a week or more ( we used antibiotic cream only this time ). Then a week ago, another one apperared on his chin and we are still using the antibiotic cream till now.
They start as a red small dot then start to increase in size and get fatter until they are really inflamed and full of pus. Putting the cream makes the pus collects ( it is very painful atthis stage )until it burst then starts drying and decreasing in size.
When i asked the hematologist about these pustules, she told me to give my son '' Broncho - Vaxom '' which is Polyvalent Immunobiotherapy for respiratory system. The dose is 1 pill for 10 days per month for 4 months. This medication is new here ( just two month - new release ) but i don't mind giving it as as it incrases the immunity of the respiratory system and the weather is getting colder and colder
Generally speaking i know that having these pustules may indicate weak immunity but his last CBC showed that his WBCs count is around 10,000 which is good. So any idea what other reasons for these pustules, any deficency, does it relate to thal or not... i am so afraid that this pus will enter his circulation and cause infection in the blood ...is this possible?

Thanks in advance