HB level post transfusion

  • 2 Replies
HB level post transfusion
« on: May 09, 2006, 08:23:01 PM »
Hello all,

Let me re phrase my question, is there any disavantages of over transfusion. i.e post transfusion HB level of 162.



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Re: HB level post transfusion
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 06:07:47 AM »
    For normal adult males 16 g/dl is quite safe, but since Thals. require continuous transfusion, then the transfusions at high HB levels and less interval between them ( to maintain the high level ), will eventually result in higher iron overload. So increase the transfusion interval by one week if you are getting high HB after every transfusion. That will make a difference of one whole transfusion afer 2-3 transfusions depending on your 2-3 week interval recomeneded by your doctor.

Oh yes, ask your doctor before changing the interval because this surge in HB could also be temporary as somtimes the donor's blood is much healthy and fresher and may result in high HB. This fact has been discussed in other posts that you can get better HB from fresh blood than the older one.
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Re: HB level post transfusion
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 02:05:09 PM »
I dont think it is good to overdo the transfusions,because the more the blood, the more iron deposits.At the same time you want to maintain a Hb which will enable him to grow well and carry on all his normal activities. A Hb maintained between 9-12 is a good mean I think..
Similarly all transfusions are not the same. Some transfusions may raise the Hb quite high while others might not, depending on the freshness and the health of the donor. Fresh  blood is always better, since the RBC s have a life span of 120days or so..

shikha mitra


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