Swine Flu

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Offline Zaini

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Re: Swine Flu
« Reply #60 on: September 02, 2009, 04:50:37 AM »
Thanks for sharing Narendra,that was really helpful.



Offline Manal

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Re: Swine Flu
« Reply #61 on: September 15, 2009, 04:47:20 AM »
I have reeived a mail from a friend explaining the  Difference between Cold and Swine Flu Symptoms.  You can find it in the attachement.

Hope it helps



Offline Manal

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Re: Swine Flu
« Reply #62 on: January 23, 2010, 03:18:35 AM »
Just want to share something with you my friends :wink

At the beginning of this month (actually it was a Thursday), my son came home with a fever of 39.8 degrees. He had got nothing except that he started coughing by night (unfortunatly his doctor was travelling and usually on Thursdays and Fridays, private clinics are closed.) Anyway, i suspected that it was a viral infection (usually each year, in winter he can get a viral infection that will cause a fever with no symptoms and the doctors give him only medicines to normalise the fever nothing more, so i thought it is the same thing and what made me sure of that is that he was active and with no body pains at all.

Anyway, i started giving him nothing but medication for lowering the fever, which remained there until Sunday night. Starting Monday and Tuesday, the temperature was normal. Wednesday, i gave him a shower and the next day he had got fever again 39.5 just for one day, BUT this particular day he was so weak and with no energy at all and really looked soooo pale. Then day by day he started gaining his health and he is just fine now.

Some days ago, i got to know that when my son had his fever (Thursday), five of his friends in his class were diagnoised by PCR on Friday having swine flu (Just 24 hours from the last time they saw my son). When i knew this, actually i was shocked, could this be a swine flu that caused him the fever???? It didn't cross my mind to do the PCR at the time of fever because actually, he was very active and didn't have body aches so it shouldn't be a flu.

I asked if there is a test that could detect antibodies so i can be sure if he had it or not, but actually we don'rt have it here :-\

I hope it was, but unfortunatly can not be sure.

One more thing to tell you,  my cousin and her two boys had later got swine flu and though they had at the same time, each had it in a different way. My cousin (mother) just a fever for two days, but with severe body aches. Her 11 years old son, had a fever of only 37.8, but develped sever complications in the chest (was on pnemonia drugs, was so tough on him) while her other son,8 years old, had a very high fever 40 c with diarreah and vomitting only (no cough at all). So perhaps, swine flu just hits the weak part of the body :dunno :dunno


Re: Swine Flu
« Reply #63 on: January 23, 2010, 04:26:05 AM »
H1N1 flu is viral in nature and effects differently in different people. I don't know if your son had it or not but it is known that sometimes the H1N1 can be cured on its own. My wife works with a cardiologist and she had seen atleast 4 cases where people with H1N1 opted not to have any medication and were fine in 4-5 days.

There is a test that can be done to detect if one has H1N1 or not, results are available within 24 hours.

The most common symptom of H1N1 is sudden cough with high fever. The virus attacks the lungs and causes the severe cough. The other symptoms are secondary and may or may not present themselves.


Offline Manal

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Re: Swine Flu
« Reply #64 on: January 24, 2010, 01:10:07 AM »
Yes i agree with you Canadian family. the test we have here is the PCR that detects the antigens, but we don't have the one showing the antibodes, so i guess i will never know :dunno



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