Good luck with contacting UKTS. I don't know anyone that they've ever responded to. Perhaps you can pretend you're a representative from a 4 star hotel. Maybe then, they'll acknowledge you.
Seriously, if you want contact info in UK to direct you where you can get properly tested, I can help you. Send me a pm if you need a contact.
I will say that from your tests, it is impossible to determine a thing because of the wide variation in the results. (They make no sense. Wild swings like this are more likely to do with a faulty test than any other explanation). However, if the low results were an accurate test, then the possibility of alpha thal trait is there.
I would recommend a third Complete blood count (CBC), an electrophoresis, and a complete iron studies panel testing to be done. It is possible to have both iron deficiency and alpha thal trait so this needs to be sorted out before more iron supplements are taken. DNA testing will be the ultimate determination of your status.
And now a message for your husband. You will find as you do have children that these little fears like not wanting to be poked with needles soon vanishes. I used to have trouble with the sight of blood, until my then 8 year old son fell off his bike, smashing his mouth and breaking some teeth. It happened right in front of me and there was my son, mouth covered in blood and screaming. There was no time for me to be sick at the sight of blood. There was only time to act and pick him up and get him in the house so we could clean him up and assess the damage. A great dentist later fixed up his teeth and all was well. But this was a turning point for me. After that, I knew that to be a parent is to rise above the fears etc because you have no choice. I also had much trouble with needles after being hospitalized for 18 days with IV needles in me the entire time, a pic line in my shoulder and constant pokes with needles around the clock every single day. I couldn't even look at a needle after this for some years. Until I met Lisa and began talking to other thals. My little fear seemed meaningless in comparison to what thals go through regularly. Because I have a severe thyroid disorder, I had no choice but to be regularly tested which requires a blood draw. I decided that I would make myself watch the blood be drawn each time and I did it. What surprises me now is that it ever bothered me because it is actually a very simple thing. You can also overcome your hesitation about being poked with a needle and believe me, when you do have kids and they do have to be regularly poked and inoculated, you will wonder why you ever thought it was a big deal. It takes once to overcome it as long as you make up your mind that you're not going to let little fears run your life. Get tested and your mind will be eased. You will know whether or not you are a carrier (6% of Pakistanis carry beta thal and alpha thal carrier is common in most populations where beta thal is found). Once you know, you will be sure if it's safe to have children without genetic counseling. Please don't proceed blindly. It will be your greatest regret if it turns out you are a carrier and it results in the birth of a child with problems. Don't let this happen. Information is power and you need this power in your life so you can proceed with the confidence a parent needs.