Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!

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Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« on: December 30, 2008, 04:39:25 PM »
Hi I'm from the UK and and Im currently 38 weeks pregnant and have moved into a new area so my blood test was redone even though I had a blood test done at 11 weeks at my old hospital. The first result for the HB electro screen says A+ A2 normal pattern (No Hb S detected).

I got my new test results today. The second report from 2 weeks ago has written hb A2 2.1% HB F 0.7% and there are some comments saying there is possible alpha thal and/or iron defiency. No evidence of common variant or beta thalassemia. Partner testing recommended/serum ferritin levels.

Is it possible the first blood test could be wrong? I did also have a blood test done at 28 weeks at my doctors and they had my results for 3 weeks before I moved and would have in theory called if there were any problems?

My husband and I are of Pakistani descent but I'm hoping based on the first blood test that I'm just suffering from an iron deficiency. The midwife did do another blood test today and said she's going to check my serum ferritin levels before we get my husband to take a blood test.

That leads me to my next problem-when I told him on the phone said he didn't want to have a blood test! Aargh anyway any help or advice would be appreciated!

Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 04:46:55 PM »
I don't know if this is also relevant

1st test 1/7/08       HB 13.2 ref range 12.0 to 16.0
2ND test 16/12/08  HB 11.2 ref range 11.5 to 16.5


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 06:07:48 PM »
Hi Samdanish,

Alpha thalassemia carrier status is very difficult to diagnose unless a DNA analysis is done. Your tests show alpha trait or iron deficiency as possibilities. Alpha carrier state is often mistaken for iron deficiency because hemoglobin levels can be lower than normal. You can read more about the carrier state of alpha thal at

If it is alpha thal carrier state, it poses no danger to your health. However, and this is why it is absolutely essential that your husband also be tested, when two alpha thal carriers have a child, there is a possibility of a more serious state in the child and even a potentially fatal consequence if the baby inherits 4 alpha genes. (I do not believe this is possible with your current pregnancy because a problem with the baby would have most likely been observed by this point). If you are found to be an alpha thal carrier, any children should also be tested for further reference when they are older so they can know to make educated choices about having children of their own some day.

As the head of a group with a primary mission of educating and spreading awareness about thalassemia, I have to constantly preach the importance of testing and that to not do so when there is a possibility of danger to your children, is irresponsible. This group is full of parents who wish they had been armed with the proper information before having children. Your husband needs to understand that by testing, he may be protecting the next generation and generations to come. It's just a simple blood test so there is no reason to not have it done.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2008, 07:52:24 PM »
Hi Samdanish ,
 :welcomewagon to the family , i hope you wil find this community realy helping, caring and ecnouraging, as it is  ... feel free to ask or share anything you want to share ...i hope you will get a good response and answer of our concerns/questions,  its your own forum so dont hesitate to ask wat ever you wana know about ...
Please stay in-touch with us ...

Best Regards
TAke Care
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.


Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 08:47:54 PM »
Hi and thank you for the replies! I will find out in two days the results of  this new blood test then take it from there. I also spoke to my husband-he is basically freaking out about having blood taken and says I'll have to knock him out first which I've told him won't be a problem lol.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 08:56:20 PM by samdanish »


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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2008, 05:22:05 AM »

Welcome to the website.  What are your MCV and MCH results?

Better have your husband get tested to know his status.  If he has nothing then you need not worry.  Try to convince him.

Good luck.

Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 06:54:30 AM »
Hi Jade and thanks for the welcome.  :)

For the first test MCH was 27.5 and MCV was 81.6. Results for the second test MCH was 23.7 and MCH 73.7.



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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 03:33:42 PM »
Hi Sam,

Welcome on the forum,A lot of Pakistanis carry thal genes,i don't remember the exact numbers now,i am sure your husband will get ready to be tested,please keep posting and tell us about your test results.


Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2008, 04:51:50 PM »
Hi Zaini, my mum was saying the same thing as you-Inshallah everything will be okay and even if I do carry the gene then hopefully he doesn't.

The midwife did ring today though about my test result but I didn't get to speak to her! She told my dad the result came back and it shows I have an iron deficiency and not to worry as these things happen. She was going to get the doctor to write out a prescription for iron tablets which I should take. I do want to speak to her myself though to ask about the thalassemia. I rang my husband to tell him about the message and he now thinks he definitely doesn't need a test.

I then got a letter in the post this afternoon from the hospital the midwife sent my blood sample to and they've written I need to get my husband to take a blood test ASAP so they can complete their investigations! I rang them and spoke to someone about what my midwife said and she said I will have to take the iron tablets and my mdwife should take another blood sample to confirm it was an iron deficiency. If they can't confirm then my husband will definitely need to take a blood test.

I'm pretty confused right now but hopefully I can get a bit of clarity when my midwife rings me back!


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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2008, 09:45:17 PM »
Dear Sam,

I hope that your husband will agree to have a blood test.  I also hope that everything turns out to be okay with your child.  It is always good to be equipped with knowledge. 

Right now, as you are 38 weeks pregnant it is essential for you to stay calm and take care of yourself so that you can be healthy yourself and have a healthy baby.  Will the midwife be collecting blood to do a DNA analysis? 

Please keep us posted and I hope that everything goes well for you.



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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2009, 01:07:18 PM »
"The second report from 2 weeks ago has written hb A2 2.1% HB F 0.7% and there are some comments saying there is possible alpha thal and/or iron defiency. No evidence of common variant or beta thalassemia. Partner testing recommended/serum ferritin levels.

Results for the second test MCH was 23.7 and MCH 73.7."

Maybe the MCH and MCV results have led to the conclusion of a possible alpha that trait.

The two results differ may be that's why they cannot say for sure whether you are iron deficient or thal minor.  Let them continue their investigation at the hospital.  Try to convince your husband to go for the test.  It is better to be informed.  Identifying thal trait can at times be quite difficult.
Men at times resist such endeavours.  They do not want to know.  You will need to do some convincing,
Good luck.


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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2009, 01:14:33 PM »
Dear Sam,

I think you should That's the United Kingdom Thalassaemia Society, maybe they can help you with your question and advice a good doc.

It's also important to try to stay so calm and relax as possible.

Best wishes from the Netherlands, Dore


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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2009, 01:19:02 PM »
Hey Sam

Dore's suggestion is an excellent one. Definetly you will have specialists there to give you a final answer



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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2009, 07:20:32 PM »
Good luck with contacting UKTS. I don't know anyone that they've ever responded to. Perhaps you can pretend you're a representative from a 4 star hotel. Maybe then, they'll acknowledge you.

Seriously, if you want contact info in UK to direct you where you can get properly tested, I can help you. Send me a pm if you need a contact.

I will say that from your tests, it is impossible to determine a thing because of the wide variation in the results. (They make no sense. Wild swings like this are more likely to do with a faulty test than any other explanation). However, if the low results were an accurate test, then the possibility of alpha thal trait is there.

I would recommend a third Complete blood count (CBC), an electrophoresis, and a complete iron studies panel testing to be done. It is possible to have both iron deficiency and alpha thal trait so this needs to be sorted out before more iron supplements are taken. DNA testing will be the ultimate determination of your status.

And now a message for your husband. You will find as you do have children that these little fears like not wanting to be poked with needles soon vanishes. I used to have trouble with the sight of blood, until my then 8 year old son fell off his bike, smashing his mouth and breaking some teeth. It happened right in front of me and there was my son, mouth covered in blood and screaming. There was no time for me to be sick at the sight of blood. There was only time to act and pick him up and get him in the house so we could clean him up and assess the damage. A great dentist later fixed up his teeth and all was well. But this was a turning point for me. After that, I knew that to be a parent is to rise above the fears etc because you have no choice. I also had much trouble with needles after being hospitalized for 18 days with IV needles in me the entire time, a pic line in my shoulder and constant pokes with needles around the clock every single day. I couldn't even look at a needle after this for some years. Until I met Lisa and began talking to other thals. My little fear seemed meaningless in comparison to what thals go through regularly. Because I have a severe thyroid disorder, I had no choice but to be regularly tested which requires a blood draw. I decided that I would make myself watch the blood be drawn each time and I did it. What surprises me now is that it ever bothered me because it is actually a very simple thing. You can also overcome your hesitation about being poked with a needle and believe me, when you do have kids and they do have to be regularly poked and inoculated, you will wonder why you ever thought it was a big deal. It takes once to overcome it as long as you make up your mind that you're not going to let little fears run your life. Get tested and your mind will be eased. You will know whether or not you are a carrier (6% of Pakistanis carry beta thal and alpha thal carrier is common in most populations where beta thal is found). Once you know, you will be sure if it's safe to have children without genetic counseling. Please don't proceed blindly. It will be your greatest regret if it turns out you are a carrier and it results in the birth of a child with problems. Don't let this happen. Information is power and you need this power in your life so you can proceed with the confidence a parent needs.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Pregnant-two blood tests, two different test results!
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2009, 11:49:52 PM »

First of all I dont know of it is a good tip, so lets see (wait) what the others will say.

You could contact the Whittington Hospital in London. This is there website,151 Doctor Shah helped me in the past. And I met doctor Davis in autumn (at a Dutch conference). He seemed to be a good doc.


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