Gaza massacre

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Offline Lena

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Gaza massacre
« on: December 30, 2008, 06:50:21 PM »
 How do you, people, feel about Gaza strip massacre? and do you have any knowledge whether there are down there any Palestinian thals suffering?
Of course one can think that there are so many Palestinian non-thals  who suffer due to air raids in Gaza...still...The situation in hospitals is tragic they blood,no drugs,wounded spread on the floor, so much hardship and bad luck for the Palestinians...unbelievable!!!


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2008, 07:06:20 PM »
Of course, in the US media, this is played out the opposite of what it really is. What this is, is attempted genocide and the world is watching and doing nothing. Even before this onslaught, conditions in Gaza were extremely harsh as Israel was basically trying to suffocate the area with a blockade. This is a subject where I am in disagreement with almost all of my fellow countrymen and I best bite my tongue before obvious comparisons to other genocidal tyrants come flowing. I do find the situation quite ironic. Why do people who were victims of another maniac now relish the same role?

I have attempted to send needles to Palestine before but they have to travel through Israel, so I don't know if they ever made it to their destination. I also wonder about thals in places like Afghanistan where just staying alive is a major task. We don't live in a world that is kind and unfortunately, far too many people want to keep the world as it is.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Lena

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2008, 07:35:40 PM »

You do not bite your tongue with us,Andy. I tried to put it in a mild way but you gave me the green light to speak truthfully. Yes, this is an attempted genocide and Europe is watching, the Arabs are watching and let Israel proceed to slaughter the Palestinians. And people are wondering why do Palestinians become "terrorists"? well, they are driven to that. They have nothing to lose except their lives, their non-existence, because the life they live is no-life at all. The only weapon they have been left with, is themselves, their bodies and they make themselves human bombs. Of course, it is no good thing for Israelis to live in fear either. Imagine, someone to go to school, shopping, enjoy themselves and been hit with a rocket. That is awful, too. But if two sides do not withdraw, do not think, violence will not cease. Of course, the USA stays once more behind and Obama-on whom many placed their hopes for better justice-remains silent.

As for Palestinian thals, my opinion is that needles or anything else you might sent will not reach its destination.

I really feel sorry for them!


Offline Manal

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2008, 12:36:55 AM »
I condemn all this dirty politics and all the goverments that are watching even the Palestinian goverment itself which is split from inside and having a civil war between Hammas and Fattah instead of  defending themselves against Isreal and the only victim s the civilians and the people.

Isreal is targeting schools, you will never imagine how many children are killed, i don't know if this is shown in your media or not. I will never forget  the face of a little girl, no more than 10 months with her left eye bombed and many children if are not killed are just shivering and trembling when talking in the media.

By the way, injured civilians undergo surgeries with no anthetesia cause there is none. Isreal has prevented food and drugs from entering Gaza, so Andy don't send the needles. The people are suffering you will never imagien how the streets are full of slaughtered people to the extent that they are not collected.

Yesterday the Egyptian boarder was opened and the injured people are starting to pass the boarders to go to hospitals and tonight many big trucks full of food and drugs will pass the egyptian boarders to reach Gaza.

The Isreali plan is to divide Palastine into El Dafa and Jordan in one side and Gaza in the other side that is why it is totally isolated with unbelievable killings.

Also many Egyptian soldiers on the boarders have been killed due to this massacre



Offline jade

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2008, 05:12:15 AM »
Quote from Andy:
"What this is, is attempted genocide and the world is watching and doing nothing."

Exactly my feeling.  I have been watching the French news and what you can see there is truly heart-wrenching.  So many deaths, some palestinians are fleeing their houses but to go where?

I am trying to imagine what it is like to live in such conditions as the palestinians were and are living, no wonder some of them become terrorists. ( How can you watch your children dying and still stay calm?) Not that I am one to agree with violence ( I hate that)  but if I would die anyway, better fight to have a chance to live.

The palestinians are outmatched, how can they fight against the most powerful military of the region.

Where is he UN? This is not a time for the UN to talk but to intervene.

Some genocides have been done undercover (discovered years even decades later) but this one is being perpetrated openly and with the approbation of certain states and organisation.  This is truly appalling.


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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2008, 08:29:17 AM »
I cannot understand how there can be such intolerance.  Why can't the palestinians and the israelis share the space they have.  Why can't they live peacefully next to each other?  Why do they need to deny each others' existence and rights?  It would have benefitted both to live peacefully side by side.  They both have rights to that land.  How do other countries manage their multiracial society? It does not always end up in bloodshed.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 08:42:40 AM »
I am a North American and I say with great shame that there is not enough awareness of all of this here - we don't ever hear this side of the story.  Everything is filtered in order for us to only know one side of the story.  We on this website, as a community cannot believe how this can happen - as we fight for life and survival how can we possibly understand this senseless destruction of human life?? 

Manal, it is so sad to hear that children are targeted.  The people here would feel differently if we were allowed to know the truth. 

Thank you all for enlightening me.  I wish that terrorism would not occur anywhere.  I agree with you Andy, the victims of one terrible crime in history are leaving a trail of decades of horrific crimes.  How shameful. 




Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 12:27:52 PM »
The palestinians are outmatched, how can they fight against the most powerful military of the region.

I think you don't remember what Hizbullah did to Israel forces (most powerful) when they attacked Lebanon.

This is happening for the past 60 years in Kashmir (few of you know where it is), past 7 years in Afghanistan, past 5 years in Iraq and some other places. And guess what, in all these cases, the side under attack is outmatched from the attackers, but still they haven't quit and strong resistance is in place. Kashmir got an entire generation of young people wiped out, still thousands gather to protest. There is no end to it.

we don't ever hear this side of the story.  Everything is filtered in order for us to only know one side of the story.

This is the reason Umair and I live in a terrorist state and now considered one of the most dangerous and unstable nuclear state. Because thats how our image is projected to the outside world.

And people are wondering why do Palestinians become "terrorists"? well, they are driven to that. They have nothing to lose except their lives, their non-existence, because the life they live is no-life at all. The only weapon they have been left with, is themselves, their bodies and they make themselves human bombs.

Thats what this world likes to call ISLAMIC EXTREMIST. The truth is anyone belonging to any religion can be turned into a human bomb. All it takes is to create circumstances and use them to promote negative energy in the person and then give direction to that energy. I recently saw a movie "The Mist" which is a typical alien monster type movie but the concept shown in that movie is same as what i explained above.
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Offline Zaini

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2008, 03:24:28 PM »
I saw a dead body of a four years old Palestinian girl on news today,they were carrying it and crying out for justice,is there any justice left in this world? it made me miserable,i feel guilty i can't do anything about them,about anyone for that matter,when ever there are talks of war between India and Pakistan,i try not to loose my mind,there are like thousands of thals in India and Pakistan both, how would they survive,no one has the right to steal their shot at life,they have the right to live.
I accuse muslim govts for doing nothing,they are there sitting and watching,they can't do anything?  They can't do anything to force Israel to stop this insanity? Kids are dying and there must be thals there,and not only thals but kids with other medical conditions too,a surgery with out anesthesia??? can you imagin it? This world is so sick.



Offline Manal

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2008, 03:29:58 PM »
Why can't the palestinians and the israelis share the space they have

Jade, if you revise history, you will find that this land belongs to the Palatinians and Isreral took over the land as a result of the Belfore declaration in 1917 at the time of the World War. This is colonization, you can not live peacefully with your colonizers, according to our beliefs you will have to defend your religion and  land  endlessly especially that Jeruslam is a sacred land for us. The land will be defended forever to the last day on earth and we will win at the end according to our beliefs, may be not now or in this age but the victory is coming

What aches my heart is the civilians,  in old wars usually two armies fight, but now you find that children and civilaians are taken as human shields which i call war with no dignity. Will never in my life forget the child Muhammad al-Durrah whose father was begging on the ground an isreali soldier not to kill them and one of the brilliant photographers recorded what happened many years ago. The 10 years old kid was dying of horror from the soldiers and then the soliders shooted him in the head in his father lap, could you imagine how will his mother feel seeing her child being shot on TV, what threat could this boy do to the soldier

In the link below you will see the horror in his eyes, can you just be in his mother place

As for the word ''terriorist'' we have to dicriminate between two types, there are terrorist who are usually mercoinaries ( sorry for misspelling) and usually take money for their acts and behind their acts is a political background for their actions. Simply they are paid to destruct or cause insecurity in certain countries to give other countries excuse for certain actions to be done.
like what happened in 9/11, these were terrorist acts to give insecurity to the States leading them to attack Iraq to get rid of destructive nuclear weapons which were never ever found and the real reasons behind this were totally different and clear to everyone( many documentary films show how 9/11 was something planned and meant to be done in this way and how more than 1000 emplyee didn't go to world tade center at that day and how many fault things were said in the media, but again the media belongs to a certain lobby)

But there are also other people who the west also call ''terrorist '' that use their bodies as bombs to explode themselves. What the west does not know is that defending our religion and land is a pillar in our religion and you can go all the way for this cause because f you succeed you win your land and f you don't you will be rewarded by paradise so in both cases you win. That what the west does not and will never understand.  When you are deprived of weapons to have a fare war you don't have except your body to use as a bomb. No soldier on earth will use his body as a bomb unless he has a belief that is why their trails will never stop cause you can not change a belief.  Those people who have nothing in return for what they did are not terrorist, but they are believers.

Anyway i am sorry if i offended anyone but this was just my opinion. Nations are the only side that pay what goverments do from their dirty politics.. it is so dirty. At the end no one would love to live in wars, even the isreali people themselves ( the people  not the government) are not in a better place, how can they be when parents don't know if they will have a chance to see their kids in the evening or not

If any of you wants to see the other part of the story that the media hides, send me your email



Offline Zaini

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2008, 03:55:42 PM »
Very wisely said Manal,Couldn't have said it better  :hugfriend.



Offline Lena

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2008, 05:33:50 PM »

You are right, Manal. The West will never understand your beliefs and that is why we use terms like "terrorists" for people who defend their fate, their lives,their land. And life of Israelis is hard too, not knowing if they wake up the next day.The only thing to blame them for, is that people proceed to settle in the Palestinian territories. I do not know if Israeli people could do something to force their government to stop.They are partly responsible, if you ask me.


Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2008, 06:44:38 PM »

I accuse muslim govts for doing nothing,they are there sitting and watching,they can't do anything?  They can't do anything to force Israel to stop this insanity?

I totally agree.

Muslim govts and muslim leaders, all they do is call a conference, talk nonsense and go back home to their life. They are all paid enough to enjoy their good night sleeps in their palaces. Didn't you hear that arab sheikhs gave millions of dollar worth gifts to George Bush and Condolezza Rice. Didn't they knew these two are responsible for thousands of innocent people deaths. God has given infinite wealth and resources to Arabs, and what they are doing with it. Building palm islands, 7 star hotels with revolving floors, gold plated mercedes, super luxury aircrafts ??? If arab world decides one day to stop oil supply to West and close all US bases in Middle East, story can be changed. Forget the Arabs, what our paki leaders are doing, being the only good for nothing nuclear muslim state. We depend so much on US that we cannot take action when someone crosses our border, kills people and goes back.

Only Iran is the country whose leader is a true leader and who has guts to show thumbs down to Bush in front of the whole world.
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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2008, 07:43:00 PM »
Hi buddies :
i agree with tariq,lena,manal and zaini . i just want to add that its the blessing of Almighty ALLAH that we r a nuclear power , otherwise it could be our story as well ... all that's wat happening to Palestine could b happen to us as well ... you people are saying that palestinians are terrorist .. may i ask that if a sepratist movement took place in a muslim country like Indoesia that's called freedom fight and when samething happened in anyother country you all call that terrorist , is it fair ???. ...
once i was reading newspaper and i red a stastic that was showing that 1000 american soldier klled in iraq in past  ( i dont remember the exact no of months ) and in the same time 100000 people killed in iraq without any trial without any justice ....  samething israel is doing destorying their homes killing their men boys and young children .. then you said we want to stop terrorism , how could it wil stop ... a family in which most of family membersbeen killed wat is the meaning of life of the remaindered family members of that family ... spouse your parents and your children were killed in a military action of any country , wat will b your reaction ?>/ will you forgive that army personals who killed your family without giving any carge sheet any reason  ...

All that happening in middle-east is not to only condemn but soo called UNO should have to be active there as well  ....
If arab world decides one day to stop oil supply to West and close all US bases in Middle East, story can be changed
@Tariq ,
it happened in 70s when Zulfiqar ali bhutto was the president of pakistan , its hapeend somehting like this :
once Butto was on the visit of KSA (Kingdom of Saudi ARabia ) he said to king of that time that i want to visit your oil refineries , king said ok , next day they vent to visit oil refineries during the visit bhutto said that i want to have a Cigar ( which was bhutto's favr8 one ) king its not possible here oil may cathc fire to that , bhutto said dont you stop this plant for me .. king said ok stop plant for him ... just within the minutes king secretary came and said that calls are coming frm america and all over the world , they r asking abt the why these refineries been stopped  ... then bhutto said oil is your weapon  see whole world is running on your oil resources stop the supply and see you may rule the world ...

This is the reason Umair and I live in a terrorist state and now considered one of the most dangerous and unstable nuclear state. Because thats how our image is projected to the outside world.
Tariq bro our state isn't a terrorist state , well we are not the most dangerous  and unstable nuclear state .

Sorry for my english :D ...  have no ore words to say , may god bless the world with peace and prosperity ....

Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2008, 08:33:45 PM »
I have just seen pictures of the Gazza massacre.  I am deeply disturbed by the pictures, I cannot imagine the people who live it.  All I can say is what a shame - while we struggle to gain a few mmol of hg - valuable blood is shed like it doesn't mean anything.  I pray that this will all stop someday soon. 


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