Gaza massacre

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #105 on: January 17, 2009, 06:42:04 PM »
I received this email after making a comment about this massacre on a message board.

Isreal has been bombed by rockets for three years..since the truce was made with GAza, and never before fired back.
2) Hamas contiued to send rockets into Israel even when they were told  they owuld be BOMBED if they didn't stop. They were give more than 24 hours to stop sending the rockets..THEY REFUSED TO STOP

This is typical of the ignorant uninformed Americans who never make any attempt to find news outside the corporate media. There is no truth in what is said here (ceasefire was 6 months, for example). The corporate media has the same agenda as the US government that the corporations have bought and paid for. What this person said is so completely ignorant and lacking in fact, but the vast majority of Americans think like this. It is very sad that we allow corporations to control what we think, whether it be about was or the latest new drug. Learning to think for one's self is so important but most people never learn to do it.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #106 on: January 17, 2009, 07:20:42 PM »
George Galloway answering to comments on the issue. It has five parts, this is the link to first one:
Falling down is not defeat... Defeat is when you refuse to get up...
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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #107 on: January 17, 2009, 07:59:46 PM »
Tariq, thanks for the link. Westerners are so inundated with propaganda through our "free press" that they never consider what it must be like to be evicted from your own land and put into eternal refugee (concentration) camps, and persecuted even in these horrible conditions. Israel has been killing Palestinians for over 60 years. Why wouldn't the Palestinians react? Why wouldn't they fight their oppressors? Why would they sit and wait for their turn to die? Nowhere on earth are people supposed to happily accept oppression like the world expects of the Palestinians. It is sick.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #108 on: January 17, 2009, 11:17:34 PM »
That's plain ignorance,as true information is only clicks away now a days,i took Andy's thoughts to be American thoughts on general,i thought many of Americans might see the situation like Andy or Sharmin or Kathy.It's very sad and unfortunate that it's not the case.

I think that it is no coincidence that those of us who are members of this site are the ones that are able to see what is going on in Gaza for what it is.  We have a desire to find more information about an issue that we are passionate about - whether it is helping our loves ones their blood disorder, to communicate with and support others globally with this disease or to learn what injustices are being carried out in Gaza.   Perhaps those that take the information that is spoon fed to them and believe it to be true - whether it be about Isreal or thalassemia - prefer to have someone else do the research and tell them what to do. 

Some people don't care to research better treatment for thalassemia - they let the doctor worry about it - we are a group of people of people who need to find the absolute best care for our loved ones (or ourselves).  Perhaps it is this same attribute that drives us to seek the truth about what is going on in Gaza. 

I wish that more people were driven to learn for themselves, unfortunately it appears most people don't want to make the effort to learn beyond what they are being influenced to believe.  What a cost to humanity this it is that people can sit back and blame the Hamas for what Isreal is doing.  It is a shame.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #109 on: January 17, 2009, 11:29:33 PM »
Nice parallel, Sharmin. Honestly, it was when I realized how little so many thals understood about thal, that I realized how much help was needed. Knowledge is power and I have dedicated myself to spreading knowledge so people can make better and informed decisions about their treatment. And I agree. We have a good discourse about Gaza because people are not willing to just accept what the corporate media tells them. Kudos to our members for choosing to be informed on the issues.  :thumbsup

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #110 on: January 18, 2009, 09:20:00 AM »
Strange to see there are Jews that think Israel should not exist and what Israel is doing is against there beliefs and that can lead to their own destruction.

But then again, its Fox News. Its always hard to believe them.
Falling down is not defeat... Defeat is when you refuse to get up...
The one who kneels to Allah, can standup to anything.


Offline nice friend

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #111 on: January 18, 2009, 02:11:26 PM »
Well , i would like to  give a short message here :

With War  , You May Win the Land to live for a little time period...
With Love , you can win the Hearts of the people and can live their forever , even after your death ....

Me :grin
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline Dori

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #112 on: January 18, 2009, 04:23:52 PM »
[quote But then again, its Fox News. Its always hard to believe them.

This is the best thing Fox News ever did:,2933,344010,00.html (I know the first family)

That is a nice saying! Well done Umair!  :smileblue


Offline Dori

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #113 on: January 18, 2009, 04:24:49 PM »
  But then again, its Fox News. Its always hard to believe them.

This is the best thing Fox News ever did:,2933,344010,00.html (I know the first family)

That is a nice saying! Well done Umair!  :smileblue


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #114 on: January 18, 2009, 04:44:58 PM »
With War  , You May Win the Land to live for a little time period...
With Love , you can win the Hearts of the people and can live their forever , even after your death ....

I love your quote Umair - I think that you should write a book on quotes! 



Offline Zaini

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #115 on: January 19, 2009, 03:24:01 AM »
A local news paper printed this picture today,and caption is "Israeli militants involved in Gaza blockade and attacks are reciting Torah,if they were muslims and were reciting Quran,western media would have called them extremists and fundamentalists".                      




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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #116 on: January 19, 2009, 10:42:55 AM »
usualy i dont got the words to turn my feelings into words but ,this time i think i did this a lil bit .....  :whew i did or did. ....??  :scratch :scratch ... Confused , soo :grin ..


Zaini you're absolutely right , i would like post a joke on the  point you raised up .... realy soon :thmubsup ...

Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #117 on: January 20, 2009, 12:22:09 AM »
There is something about this thread that bothers me and it's when people mix Israel and all Jewish people. I don't think it's right anymore than when people mix terrorists claiming to be Muslim, with all Muslims. It is just wrong either way. I have had many Jewish friends in my life and we have all seen videos and pics of Jews protesting the actions of the Israeli government. Please do not blame a whole segment of the world because politicians ruin the world. Politicians lie and mislead people into supporting them but most often, it ends badly for those who believed. The war in Iraq is a prime example of people being gullible and believing what should have been obvious had the press done anything but become a mouthpiece for a criminal president. Most Americans will now admit they were lied to and no longer support our involvement in Iraq, but at the time. close to 90% of Americans voiced approval. If only people learned to think for themselves and question what leaders say.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #118 on: January 23, 2009, 01:54:01 AM »
I don't know much about the Gaza issue, so can't comment on that, but let me tell you one thing. While, most of the people in Pakistan might be peace loving, there are a lot of problems, which lie inside pakistan. There are training camps, where these people - who are sent to create terror (to kill innocent people) get their training. These camps were operated in Afganistan and with the US war, has shifted to Pakistan and most of the world knows it. Training camps for groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba which i think changed it's name to Jamaat-ud-Dawa are being operated in Pakistan. I would ask whose job is it to stop those camps?? Such camps were in Afghanistan previously(totally supported by the Taliban government), which after the strikes in Afghan have moved to Pakistan. If the government of Pakistan tries to take hard actions against these extremists and stop saying that whenever something happens somewhere and links are tied back to pakistan - that pakistan is blamed without a reason. Instead may be the government should start taking actions instead of denying that terrorist training camps do operate in Pakistan. They did start taking actions only after they were pressurized to do it. Look at the story below.

Pakistan cracks down on Jamaat ud-Dawa,0,3064256.story

Also, look at
This site clearly shows what is going on in Pakistan. Or if you want go to google and search Terrorism and Pakistan and you will get so many hits.

Look at the London bombings or those caught during the war in Afghanistan and most of the 9/11 terrorist were trained in pakistan. I don't understand the citizens of Pakistan trying to ignore all this. I remember in year 99 or in 2000, when Afghan was ruled by the Talibans, there was an Indian Airlines plane hijacked by the terrorist and they demanded some prisoners to be released for the freedom of the hostages of the hijacked plane. These terrorist were allowed to walk out with what they wanted. Why?? because they were in Afghanistan where the Talibans were ruling. The terrorist along with those released were let go in a vehicle and today they operate training from Pakistan. They have been many times under house arrest by the government of pakistan. Why not, just give these terrorist to India and try to really show that Pakistan wants peace???

It is rightly said that "A society degenerates because the wise people keep quiet & do not dare to act pomptly so the anti socials (in this case the muslim extremists) take control & start what we see as Do What They Want Rule" which is difficult to get rid of. Even educated muslims are falling for this Osama's jannati reward temptings -like the 9/11 rogues in US. If the general population stops supporting these activities, we might see peace.

One of the member has clearly mentioned that - they want a stable neighbour and many of you have mentioned that poverty can lead to problems. The problems lies in that. Some of the posts even mention, that they are left with nothing and these terrorist use them by providing them with money and brain washing them to do these rude acts. I hear that the 10 terrorist were all those who had no relations to their families were picked after training for more than a month.

Imagine twelve people cross the Naval defence of a regional power of Asia, in a boat  :huh. And they find there way to high security area of Mumbai with loads of guns and ammo. Then they have everything settled in hotels and they have stocks of ammo and food for them to spend time there.Can that get more dumb than this? ??? Why the whole world accepts a ridiculous made-up story by India, but when we say we didn't do it, they don't accept.

This member is clearly not knowing whats going on or is trying to ignore it. Highly trained terrorist can do this. As, I mentioned earlier they were trained. They were not settled in hotels - they ran from the boat into 5 different teams and they went with their ammunitions and dry fruits. I dont have anything against you. I just want you to say that this can happen and there is a lot of evidence that points to it. The person caught has said he was trained in Pakistan, is a resident of Pakistan and he along with the 9 people came in the boat from Pakistan. There is evidence of the GPS(preprogrammed with routes from Pakistan), ToothBrush, Guns, clothes. the fishing troller, satellite phone (with records of chat with the controller in Pakistan - who was giving instructions on the phone to the terrorist). A good make up story. Please try to think that Pakistan is shooting itself. You might even say the 9/11 terrorist coming into US, were all fake. The 9/11 terrorist came to a country where everyone is welcome. did u know, that US has such a multi culture, that i dont think is there in Pakistan or for that matter any muslim country. The 9/11 terrorist came and lived in US and were roaming freely. They were human bombs that exploded with their brain washed minds and were toys operated by the osamas of the world. They were also highly trained in camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Today, whereever, there is a problem, there are links tied back to Pakistan. It has become a dangerous place as even pakistan itself faces problem by these religious (so-called) mullahs (as some of you mention islam does not preach violence). But, being educated and a person who can think - should think if by keeping the views that whatever happens is due to others fault.

The thinking is a major factor and I think if people start thinking that just by killing innocent people, they are going to achieve what they want is totally wrong. Someone else mentioned that by killing themselves they will be rewarded by God, I doubt it. God is same for everyone. Try to accept other religions and the problems will be solved. Only by accepting others will you be able to look at others as others and not the enemy of Islam.

As someone stated, War is not the solution to anything. It is not going to benifit anyone. So change the feeling of others looking at islam as enemy. that is not the case. has any of you visited US? Muslims or any other culture people are treated with respect. they can roam around freely and do all what they want. they work with us and they can whatever they want with us. we are a free nation and all are welcome. is that allowed in any muslim country? i have heard of females not allowed to go to school in afghanistan, females having problems with their husbands and still having to live with them in many muslim countries.

This post is not to offend anyone. we respect the world as does the world respect us but by looking into the mirror you will realize who you are. Learn to have peace and you will get peace.


Offline Manal

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #119 on: January 23, 2009, 03:56:15 AM »
Me too i don't know much about the situation in Pakistain or India, but i do know about other stuff quiet well.

Try to accept other religions and the problems will be solved. Only by accepting others will you be able to look at others as others and not the enemy of Islam.

*Who said that muslims do not accept other religions, this is totally wrong and there is no point of view here cause you can not be a muslim unless you believe and NOT ONLY accept christinaty with its prophet Jeseus and the Jews religion with their prophet Moses. So it is one of the pillars of Islam that is why i say there is no point of view here cause if you get any typical muslim from any country in this world, the same thing will be said

* Revising history and since Islam arised and there were Islamic nations, all people with different religions were living togather. Even at the begining of the Islamic era, no one was ever foreced to leave his religion and becone a muslim because again simply you can not do this unless you are convienced with the essence and beliefs of this reliogion

* Media has created a steryotype that Islam was propagated by sword and again if you read history this wasn't the case. When Islam came to Egypt for example, Christians were suffering from the torture of the romans and on the contrary they welcomed the muslims cause they were a relief for them at this time. From that date muslims and christians live in thsi country with no one asking the other''what is your religion''. I personally was raised in a non muslim school and i never felt any difference or this thought of what you belive in has even crossed my mind or my friends from other religions.

* One last thing on this point, Islam will not gain forcing people to join it and will not lose if muslims became against it. We are talking about a religion and a belief here that addressing it as an enamy is meaningless

has any of you visited US? Muslims or any other culture people are treated with respect. they can roam around freely and do all what they want. they work with us and they can whatever they want with us. we are a free nation and all are welcome

Yes i have visited the US several times and what you claim is not true, becuase you can find discrimination. In the US, there is the biggest margin of freedom you can find in any country but at the same time you can find discrimination on many levels. Many times, you can see veiled ladies who were pushed on the streets because their veil showed they are muslims. With all the civilization and tecnology there is still discrimination of race which till now is not understood by me. Does this all suggest that all American s are like this or all christians are like this, definetly not

is that allowed in any muslim country?

Yes, you will never find a muslim country that dicriminate people according to race simply because it is not allowed in our religion, does this suggest any thing about muslim countries and makes them the best, definetly not

i have heard of females not allowed to go to school in afghanistan, females having problems with their husbands and still having to live with them in many muslim countries.

Who said that this relates to islam by any means??????? At the time of the prophet, women were allowed to learn and get educated, they even went to wars. In islam, it is just enough for a woman to feel that she does not want to continue her life with her husband to get divorce and at the same time she gets all her rights.

But what you said is found too in some countries but because of laws (which is not Islamic at all ) . because of governments and the list goes on.

When Europe was in the dark ages Islamic countries were the leading and all the the basics of now a days technolgy were taken from the islamic nations, so how is islam against education and knowlege.

you are just relating everything to Isalm which is not the case and in every religion you have extremists. You can not judge the whole religion with the actions of its extremists. And you can not mix politics with religion. Extremeist are the result of weak believers who are manipulated by dirty politics and it is all about interests and not religions. It is all about power. Was religion ever a cause for any war on earth now or in the past never. Now a days whose land is being invaded & colonized and people are thrown out of their countries as refeugges?? Who??

Learn to have peace and you will get peace.
Give me one example when an isalmic nation has gone through this, and please don't mention extremist acts as they are usually used by a third party to cause instability.

Finally i can not hide that i am really offended, first because i am really unable to express my self in english, i have many things to say but the language does not help
Second, because i can not imagine that anybody can judge a religion from what is said about it in the media and judging a billion people by acts of exremists found in every country and every religion. Religions are not for people to critise them but for people to belive in them. How can someone talk about  something he never read about???


« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 05:22:40 AM by Manal »


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