Gaza massacre

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Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2009, 12:05:24 PM »
thats how Israel eliminates threats (in this case thals waiting for blood Tx) and ensure safety of their people
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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2009, 05:17:02 PM »
I just heard that Israel started with artillery. There's no doubt that they will enter the Gaza Sripe, I think. I must say that I expected this change of war today.

If I knew I would have travelled to Amsterdam, but today there was a demonstration in Amsterdam against the warfare of Israel. Anf it also against our governement. Our minister of Foreign Affairs told us to be 'reserved'. We (they) are also guilty so long as we don't do anything.

I'm very angry and upset. What will be next?

Andy, you were right. I have heard what Obama said. Change!? I don't think so!


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2009, 07:07:18 PM »
Bush call Hamas rocket attacks on Israel "terror" however, Israel raining tons of bombs down on Gaza draws no comment and no criticism.

This is how it is portrayed in the US. We are not told of the ongoing suffering in Gaza caused by the Israeli blockade, enforced on the other end by an Egyptian government that has been bought by the US for many years now. Since the death of Nasser in 1970, supposedly from a heart attack caused by hemochromatosis, Egypt has been nothing more than a US lackey, taking billions of dollars in US taxpayer money to stay the impotent nation it has become rather than the Mideast power it should be, leaving no balance to the expansionist goals of Israel. With the border between Gaza and Egypt closed for the most part, the Palestinians have nowhere to hide from the constant attacks from Israel, a country that has taken the saying "an eye for an eye" ( which by the way, was completely rejected by the same Jesus that Christians supposedly worship, even though 90% of Christians do not follow the teachings of Jesus at all in their personal lives. Jesus denounced the eye for an eye belief and said that instead, we should turn the other cheek), to an extreme that somehow regards a 2000 pound bomb as equal to a mortar shell that hit no target. American made planes dropping American made bombs and all supported by billions of US dollars given to Israel annually. And the world sits and watches because there is not a single leader on earth who does not understand that any attack against Israel will be met with a force that has the full backing of the most powerful military machine ever constructed...the US military. And then Americans sit back and think Muslims hate us for our freedom! Bush has pushed this absolute ignorance and yes, the vast majority of Americans are actually STUPID enough to buy into it. It is the most nonsensical notion ever, yet Americans lap it up without a thought of how ludicrous the idea is. The roots of terrorism are poverty and injustice and violence perpetrated against the masses of the world.

Is there any reason to hope this will change with a change in leadership in the US? None whatsoever. Obama is a tool when it comes to foreign policy and his appointment of Hillary as Secretary of State, assures that the status quo will not change. Obama will lead the US into an endless war in Afghanistan, ignoring the fact that no one has ever won a war there, in a futile attempt to find Bin Laden, who has long fled the area. Israel will continue to expand and be the aggressor as the western media portrays them as innocent victims. In my opinion, Israel is no different than Nazi Germany. Genocide is genocide no matter how you try to disguise it.

Our only hope is that the mass of humanity evolve enough to be able to do what should be a simple thing...think for themselves. Stop swallowing the propaganda you see in the news. Look at situations objectively and know the facts. Never allow yourself to believe that dropping a 2000 pound bomb on a houseful of children is justified. Never!

Most people in the US would be horrified at what I have written here but until voices speak out against the ongoing campaign of genocide that is the policy of expansionist Israel, and stop excusing everything they do because they have "suffered", nothing will ever change. Regardless of what happened in Germany, it gives no one the right to visit the same horrors on others.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2009, 09:50:19 PM »
Its Insane , Its un-human behavior , .. i think silence of world will encourage israel to carry on this .. soo i think that Countries they have a say in united nation assembly should come forward and to pass a resolution to stop this un-humanitarian behavior of israel .. and to warn isreal to not to do this again ... Egypt alone can't do anything alone without moral and military support of big countries like Russia, China and USA .. but internation observers and acters are silent ... why ??... why they are snot doing anything ???... there are many thals and civilians are in trouble , there is many lives are at risk ...  as andy said that : israel is behaving like Nazis ... its ver sad to hear that people of palestine in trouble ............
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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2009, 11:16:03 PM »

Genocide is genocide no matter how you try to disguise it.
Dear Andy .
I second your opinions,  my sentiment is just the same.
I feel is appauling how ,the people that has the power to intervene is doing nothing or dragging thier feet, in the meanwhile civillians are dying,
"What a shame to humanity"

It was not right then and its not right now" Killing for any  reason is wrong",
ISrael is break-in laws.They do so because they have the power behind them "What a shame"
WE are all becoming intellect savages,



Offline Manal

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2009, 02:13:20 AM »
Andy, again i do agree to what you said

*Now Gaza has no electricity at all in the whole city

*40% of the killed people and children and women

*Egyptian boarders are opened only to pass injured  to go to hospitals and pass food and drugs truck but not all day long. It is said in our media that the isreali  & hammas want to pass all the palasteins to Sinai (egypt) and each for a different target, Hammas to get rid of its responsibility towards its people and Isreali to have an excuse to pass in the future to Siani ( by the way this is their utmost dream building an empire from the nile in egypt until Iraq) 

* Isreal troops are now in Gaza and generally isreali soldiers can't keep up with direct figthing ( don't know the term, i mean face to face fighting) but usually they do this when they ruin everything

* Dore, in answering your question about attacking hospitals , you can watch el Jezerah channel or el arabiya channel, you will see gaza live, the continous sounds of explosions are horrible and you can not see anything but black clods of smoke every where. They targeted all schools and hospitals on the first two days of the war

May anything happen to seize fire


« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 02:18:47 AM by Manal »


Offline Lena

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2009, 05:07:51 AM »


you couldn't express the situation better.I wish all Americans had your point of view!

Obama will be no different,we know that here in Greece, where there is an anti-american mood anyway. Why? because the US are arrogant,they think they can be the masters of the world. Greece has suffered in the past as a US-supported dictatorship was established here and Greeks really suffered.And we are constantly afraid here for our neighbours the Turks, whom the USA love!.If anything happens we will be at the same situation like Palestinians.

But the American people are responsible for their governments, as all people are.
Bush invaded Iraq and what happened? He was re-elected.That goes for any country,any people who do not think for themselves and stupidly hope that an already proved bad governing will suddenly turn into a good one.

The Arabs are responsible too for what is happening.If they wouldn't adore the USA,they would have done something. Europe is responsible too as it does not stand for itself and follow the US in each and every occasion.

Now the man-to-man battle has started.It makes little difference to the Palestinians.As the Gaza doctor said on our TV news:
"What does it matter? Bombs, hunger,troops...we are going to die anyway!"



Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2009, 05:08:07 PM »
soo i think that Countries they have a say in united nation assembly should come forward and to pass a resolution to stop this un-humanitarian behavior of israel

UN and security council is nothing but US tools and they are used whenever US wants to run over a country and want help from other members. I believe there already is a pile of resolutions against Israel and guess who stopped them from being approved, the so-called sheriff of the world.

Just wanted to share an interview of famous British politician George Galloway taken when Israel attacked Lebanon in 2006. I was shocked to hear his thinking is not like others and he sure gave tough time to the lady asking questions. Worth listening:

« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 05:19:32 PM by T a r i Q »
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Offline Zaini

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #38 on: January 04, 2009, 05:18:36 PM »
Here is some info about thals in Gaza. I just heard it coming from a doctor in the Gaza Hospital of Beit Hanoun.He was on Greek news, journalists talked to him on the phone and he spoke Greek as he had studied medicine in Greece.He told that the thals of Gaza do not get blood transfusions at all,as no blood is available.
As expected that might be, at the same time it's terrible to be expressed in words. One cannot avoid put oneself in their places.
Greece has sent humanitarian aid with drugs and 150 blood units.
But are they enough?

This is HORRIBLE,resolutions won't do anything at time like this,these are the times when Islam calls for Jihad and Muslims are declared terrorist for doing it ??? But how in the name of God,defending yourself is terrorism ?HOW? HOW? who can stop this insanity,Muslim leaders are asleep,US won't say a word against Israel? Who else is gonna do anything,i really have nothing to say anyore.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2009, 06:32:01 PM »
One thing I never see mentioned is that Hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza. So much for Mr Bush's lies about democracy building. Mr Bush is once again exposed as a bald faced liar and war criminal. The US does NOT support democracy. It only supports puppet regimes like the one installed in Iraq. Bush has never once complained about the lack of democracy in countries that are staunch US allies, like Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The Israelis have now murdered over 500 people in Gaza. The karma they create will only result in future suffering for Israel.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2009, 10:21:42 PM »
Nothing to say but this  , Israeland and all other countries which are making war anywher in the world they are not only destrorying the peace of this world but the atmosphere as well ... do you ever think that how much oxgen suck's a dazy cutter bomb ,, how many oxgen sucks all other bombs , do u ever think that how much carbon-dioxide produce's a bomb .. and after that bomb the fire and smoke produce's the carbon-dioxide as well . do you ever think that how much ozone layer is damaged and still damagin bcoze of their bomb . do you know that a battle field of today's wars is a big reason of global warming ... dont they know that they are not killing the people only in iraq afghanistan or palestine but they are killing the whole world , they r destroying the whole world slowly slowly. ... do you  know that from which area ozone layer is got damaged and where in the world ozone layer has a hole in that ... its near America in Antartica : here is a proof of it :
it is Antarctica  its located nearby the South America :

in this pic blue is presenting the hole in ozone layer and that hole is touching some ares of South America as well : the pic below is take in august 2000 ....

 and here a some quotes from websites :
The ozone hole of 2008 is larger than in 2007
and hole is getting bigger every year : here i want to mention that ozone hole touched the south america,FalkLand Islands on the other end it is near  to touch Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania on other side Africa &  Madagaskar ...
its realy horrible ...
Their results are to be published in the Journal of Geophysical Research — Atmospheres.

Ozone is a damaging pollutant near the ground, but in the stratosphere, it shields the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun and cosmic rays from space, all of which can cause skin cancers.

In the 1980s, scientists detected for the first time an ozone hole forming over Antarctica each August, eventually breaking up by December or January. Another hole was discovered over the Arctic — both regions vulnerable to ozone damage.

Scientists eventually showed that chlorine released in the upper atmosphere from chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs — chemicals used as refrigerants and aerosol propellants — were destroying this ozone layer. The three scientists, Mario Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland, and Paul Crutzen, jointly won the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their finding.

Released into the atmosphere, CFC molecules "percolate" into the upper atmosphere. As they rise, ultraviolet light breaks them up, releasing chlorine, which goes on to break ozone molecules down to its constituent oxygen molecules.

The discovery eventually led to an international ban on CFC-based products, a ban which Newchurch said his findings show is paying off.

"We can say that what we're doing is working, and we should continue the ban (on CFCs)," he said.

But there is still cause for concern, he added.

Ozone is still being lost from the stratosphere. And the amount of chlorine, the chemical that does the damage in that layer of the stratosphere, has not yet peaked, though it has slowed down significantly.

When chlorine levels do peak and then begin to fall, ozone levels should continue to rise, said Newchurch. However, the amount of ozone in the upper stratosphere, where the rate of loss is slowing, is small compared to the total amount of ozone in the stratosphere as a whole.

"We don't see compelling evidence that the destruction of ozone is slowing in the lower stratosphere, where 80 percent of the protective ozone layer exists," said Newchurch.

[bgcolor=#ffff00]In the lower stratosphere, the layer of atmosphere between about 20 and 35 km (12 and 22 miles) up, the threat to the ozone layer comes not just from chlorine but also from greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. [/bgcolor]

Best known for their warming effect on the lower atmosphere, these greenhouse gases have the reverse effect on the stratosphere, said Newchurch. Here, they radiate heat out to space, cooling the lower stratosphere.

This cooling changes wind and air mixing patterns in a way that can increase ozone depletion, especially at high latitudes, although the effect tends to be mitigated in part by the fact that cooling slows the rate at which ozone is degraded into oxygen, so cooling has both good and bad effects on ozone depletion.

Unfortunately, it is proving easier to ban aerosols and refrigerants containing CFCs than to impose meaningful greenhouse gas emission restrictions on an energy-hungry world, he commented.
A new study shows just how dramatic the ozone loss in the Antarctic has been over the past 20 years compared with the same phenomenon in the Arctic.

The study found "massive" and "widespread" localised ozone depletion in the heart of Antartica's ozone hole region, beginning in the late 1970s, but becoming more pronounced in the 1980s and 1990s.

The US government scientists who conducted the study said that there was an almost complete absence of ozone in certain atmospheric air samples taken after 1980, compared to earlier decades.

In contrast, the ozone losses in the Arctic were sporadic, and even the greatest losses did not begin to approach the regular losses in the northern hemisphere, the researchers said.

"Typically the Arctic loss is dramatically less than the Antarctic loss," said Robert Portmann, an atmospheric scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colorado.

[bgcolor=#ffff00]Scientists have been tracking the expanding ozone hole over Antarctica for some 20 years now.

In October, NASA scientists reported that this year's hole is the biggest ever, stretching over nearly 11 million square miles.[/bgcolor]

In Antarctica, local ozone depletion at some altitudes frequently exceeded 90 per cent, and often reached up to 99 per cent during the Antarctic winter in the period after 1980 compared to earlier decades, the researchers said.

In the Arctic, the losses occasionally peaked at 70 per cent, and some losses of 50 per cent were seen in the mid 1990s, when temperatures were particularly low, but the scale and scope of the problem was much less than what was seen in the Northern Hemisphere.

Recent studies have also pointed to large ozone losses in the Southern Hemisphere, but the NOAA researchers said their study showed that these events were rare and did not appear to signal a trend.

"We saw small to moderate ozone losses in the very coldest winters, when the stratospheric conditions are ripe for ozone loss, but they were rarer than we expected," said Portmann.

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was based on more than 40 years' of ozone readings from polar observation stations and balloon-borne measuring mechanisms.
Make Peace , say no to war , war is a destruction and disaster not only for the those who are fightin but the whole world ! ....
i hope i explained wat i wantted to tell you people : and sorry for posting out of Topic "Gaza Massacre".

Best Regards
Take Care
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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2009, 10:56:14 PM »
Also,think about the billions and billions of dollars the world spends on war and preparing for war and what that money could do for humanity. The human race is pretty messed up.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2009, 11:39:30 PM »
Why do i get the feeling that the Palastenian government does not want to solve that issue and face their colonizers? I am not talking about refusing negociations in the 70s but their attitude now in spliting their forces in civil war between them (hammas) and Fattah. They are accusing and killing each other and at the same time asking others to help them. Shouldn't they start to unit first, just a question!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #43 on: January 05, 2009, 05:29:42 AM »
The easiest way to rule a nation specially muslims, divide and conquer. And that is the main strategy that they make. But they never do it themselves, rather they use traitors from among the nation or deploy there own people in government and use them for the purpose. We have many examples:

In Afghanistan, they strengthen Kurd groups and finance them against taliban government (to start unstability in region and then come and save the day).
In sub-continent partition, they gave some muslim majority areas to India, the result is there are more muslims in India than in Pakistan. Then they made a successful attempt to break east and west pakistan.
In palestine as Manal rightly pointed out, they would never let Hamas and Fatah unite, bcoz when that happens, problem will be solved.
In Pakistan: they are backing up Baloch Liberation Army and so called Pakistani Talibans (who are CIA and RAW agents in disguise.) to create law and order situation,

I am not that good in history otherwise i am sure there would be many examples from the past,

I strongly believe that they are afraid of muslim unity. They are such cowards that they fear from some verses of Quran (Surah Tauba) and thats why some of these verses were being removed from our school curriculum. But what they don't know that Quran is in our hearts, how will they remove that from our memory..

I am sorry but i am so in control of my emotions, i can't stop saying harsh things, sorry for that.
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Re: Gaza massacre
« Reply #44 on: January 05, 2009, 06:38:25 AM »
Also,think about the billions and billions of dollars the world spends on war and preparing for war and what that money could do for humanity. The human race is pretty messed up.

Hi All ,
if you want to talk about waste of money on war , and to talk about the waste of money on defense budget then here is something i found for you people :

for compplete article :
[bgcolor=#f5ff00]The Bush Administration will ask Congress for $100 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan this year -- on top of the $70 billion already allocated -- and $145 billion for 2008. Why ask for the money if you're not planning to use it?[/[/bgcolor]quote]

for complete article :
[bgcolor=#ffff00]If the U.S. spent just $18 billion - which is what America spends in three months to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan - the country could wipe out hunger and homelessness completely for ten years, Shaft wrote. If the US took just 25 percent of its annual military budget, which is expected to top $450 billion for fiscal year 2004, the largest by far (Russia is a distant second at $60 billion, according to the non-partisan Center for Defense Information), that would go a long way towards wiping out hunger and homelessness around the world. "Just 10 percent of our military budget spent yearly on America could give every high school graduate a college education for four years," [/bgcolor] Shaft wrote.

"[bgcolor=#ebff00]It seems like it is not a priority to protect our children from starvation and living on the streets[/bgcolor]," Shaft wrote. [bgcolor=#ffff00]"Our education system is crumbling and the school breakfast and lunch programs are being slashed mercilessly... If this crisis continues, we are in danger of actually having worse hunger and homelessness than some third world countries. The military expansion and occupation must stop so that we can salvage our future before it is too late to stop the landslide of poor and starving[/bgcolor]."

These harsh trends of the poor multiplying and getting poorer, while the rich get richer, are exactly what many of us knew would happen under Bush-Cheney. It's happening faster than many predicted.

Did you see Fox's "conversation" between Republican butt-kisser Brit Hume and Bush on Sept. 22? That was about as much a "conversation" as any of Bush's staged press conferences, as Bush continually looked off-camera for the cue cards. I thought I was watching actors playing Bush and Hume in a Saturday Night Live skit

for complete article :
Pain, loss of human dignity, and grief are part of what hunger means. There is, however, another dimension.

I met Jon Pedro who is with the MST in June 2000. MST works with the landless poor here in Brazil to secure idle land so they can grow food for their families and their communities. [bgcolor=#ffff00]I hear from him regularly about the brutal attacks on MST activists and how many of their leaders have been assassinated. Their crime is that they are mobilizing for the human right to feed oneself. Whether it is Brazil or India or Thailand, the fourth dimension of hunger is repression and living in fear[/bgcolor].

If we think of hunger in terms of numbers, the solution also appears to be in numbers. In 1996, the Second World Food Summit action plan declared the intention to reduce the number of malnourished by half by the year 2015. This expectation was a result of governments thinking in terms of numbers! But if we understand hunger as real people and real families coping with the most difficult human emotions, or if we have ever felt these emotions ourselves, we realize that its then that we have felt powerless to protect ourselves and those we love.

Hunger is the ultimate symbol of powerlessness and violation of our basic human rights.

[bgcolor=#ffff00]A true war on terrorism would have launched a war on hunger and poverty. Instead, it has proven to be a war on the poor themselves. As the White House warmed up the war machine, President Bush proclaimed, "Afghanistan is just the beginning." Washington is now considering continuing this war on terrorism in other states that allegedly harbor terrorists such as Somalia and Iraq, while American troops are already in the Philippines. The U.S. government does not seem to care that indiscriminate bombardment of countries whose populations are already brutalized by war, economic sanctions and repressive governments - destroy fragile infrastructure, kill civilians, and escalate the cycle of hunger, poverty and violence.[/bgcolor]

i hope i explained wat i want to say ....

Best REgards
TaKe Care
Sometimes , God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes , He sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



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