Sharmin, Lena and everyone
After asking doctor El Beshalawy about the reason for this dosing, she told me because they found in their studies that L-carnitine when taken daily causes depression of the bone marrow leading to aplasia and taking two days off avoid this to happen.
When i told her that some people take it daily, Dr. El Beshlawy said that they have to moniter their Hb and other blood products.
She said that another doctor in the States ( can not recall the name ) had the same result with his study of L-carnitine.
Andy, this year she will release her study about the positive effect of L-carnitine over PHT
All the doctor's studies are based on 50mg/kg but she told me that it can be taken up to 100mg/kg
I asked her if hydrea could lead to aplasia as found with L-carnintine, she said no because this is compansated by the induction of fetal Hb
By the way l-carnitinne release some fetal Hb too