I had to take a long walk to absorb everything that we learned today.
One thing I want to stress is that everyone should have their vitamin D tested - and be sure to take a good vitamin D supplement. Little A was extremely deficient last spring and the doctors here want him on mega doses to make up for the deficiency.
Secondly, we have to do rituximab again this coming summer. It was a nightmare last year, but we need to repeat the course once again because Little A is still receiving too much blood. This has been spinning around in my head since our appt. Ultimately, we have to do what is best for him - so that his tx requirement and chelation can be reduced.
Thank you all for your support. Thank god that Andy lead us down this path before our child sustained any damage from the iron. I am really glad that his iron levels are reduced at this time and that we have many options. We are in a much better position than we were 6 months ago.
I am realizing that the information which we are receiving here is lifesaving - as is the support