HI professer how are you ?
i met you before at singapore

question doctor please
i am comeing to lebanon hopefully very soon im just finishing my kids pappers to become lebanese and this is what has taken so long
but inshala this is happeing in the comeing months my concern for the time being is
aysam who is born 1/5/06
weight 14 kilos
height 91.6
is takeing exjade
the dotors here in autralia took your advise and put the dose up to 375 wich he has started two weeks ago the transfussions stayed as they are one every four weeks
220mls of blood
his liver funnction test seem to be playing up every
two weeks anyways my concern is his ferritin
always over 3000 it has maybe gone done couple of grams it was 4000
i give him exjade at 5am to 6am
every morning mix it with apple juice
so i am doing everything right
i have asked for liver biopsy
but she said that at this point
no need for the biopsy she is suggestion to wait if the iron dosnt come down in a few months than we do one and if she finds the liver is damaged than it will be life threating wich then she will tell me he might die and also she is saying at this momment the iron is high but wont damage the liver until ten years i dont know this is very confussing to me you are the profsional please
i have one boy and never am i going to have kids again he meens so much to me i want him to live a normal life and when they talk to me about death it really scares me tell me doctor untill i am able to come to lebaonon what shall i do his iron is arond 3600 and he is needing blood every three weeks his stomach is always bloated and he isnt realy getting taller he always blinks alout i dont know if this has anythig to do with thalassemia but his couler is of white and when i did a xtray for his chest for a infection they notice a lession in his arm this is by accident they saw it they say its due to the bone marrow please doctor get back to me with your advise as soon as possible
i am going through depression at this becuse i know i cant go to lebaonon until he is a lebanese citizen for the chronic center i have saved 4 months of exjade and the hospital are going to give me 7 months supply so i will be ok for one year as i was told that they are very expensive in lebanon
please professer ali taher help me hep him
i will be waitting for yor email

kind reagrds
mariam saba