Long time ago, my elder bro who was Thal Major experienced seizure like symptoms and he was wrongly diagnosed by an experienced Neurologist to had Epilepsy

. Then he was given Epival for long time but that didn't solved anything. Also i have read and heard that anti-epileptic meds hut liver bad (plz discuss with your doctors).
Then suddenly i started to have seizures (conscious and unconscious) and what finally came out was the culprit was sudden drop in calcium. Since then, i am on regular calcium and Vit-D intake. This has worked for me.
But one thing i have experienced that when i got too sick (back in 2005) when i had fever and diarrhea for a month, i had 2-3 seizures and i was on calcium carbonate injections then. Also i have seen many Thal patients when going through sickness, their calcium drops.
I hope this info is of any help to you.