Thanks Sharmin,Maha,Andy,Umair and Lyanne,
Your replies were really helpful.
Little Z weighs 27 kg,so her initial dose should be 540 mg,but for some reason her hemo gave us the prescription of 400 mg

i intend to start with 500 mg,but Novartis sales person said he'll give us the medicine as prescribed,means a box of 400 mg tabs,he said if you want to give 500 mg then give a quarter piece of a tab along with a whole tab,but we can't give you anything other then prescription,getting a new prescription from her hemo is a new headache,so i think i'll go with his advice.
I only knew about creatinine levels to be monitored, CBC we do at every transfusion,which is more or less every 3 or 4 weeks,all other tests you mentioned,should i get them checked every three weeks? which one of them you think are MOST important?
As you know, there may be a spike in her SF for a while. I wonder if this may not happen too much for Little Z because she has been on L1/desferal combination for a while so she may have less iron in her organs compared to other thal patients.
I hope this would be the case,because elevated SF levels are scary,although we know they come down eventually.
As for time, right now i am going to start in evening,because she'll be at home after that,so i'll be able to keep an eye on anything she complains about.But please tell me what should i do with IP6? Is it ok to give it with Asunra or should i change the time?
Sharmin, Why do you break the pill into pieces They dissolve in minutes. Actually clear instructions are given along with Asunra that you shouldn`t chew, cut or break the tablet and one has to calculate their dose to the nearest whole tablet.
Unfortunately for now,i'll have to do that,untill the first box ends,or either i'll have to stick to 400 mg,which won't be enough,what do you guys think?
In India, when you buy three boxes of Asunra you get one box absolutely free. Do ask about it.
I'll check this with Novartis.
Thanks Umair for your comforting and sweet message

Thanks everyone for your input,i'll definitely be needing more help and guidance in future.