Andy ,
thats wat i usually do with my PC when-ever that try to die hahahha ... format C drive and then re-instal the windows. i always store all the data at D drive and thats why i never lost data when-ever i re-installled the windows .. sometimes when some error looks not ready to fix then i used to take another way and that is , to move all the data from D drive to Data Traveler and then Format disk ( Fdisk Command ) .... last month i took my PC to an experty for the very first time in past 9 years , hahaha , and that was bcoze of an interneal error like ( ram was Blown up , i mean that was died ) thats why i were failed to get wat is the probleme was, ram was not working properly so that was resulting the the windows files corruption ..then i opened up the CPU and did something very strange ( that is my hobby to open up CPU and play with hardwares sine computer was new to me , i several times took out the modems when-ever i start using LAN [Local Area Network] and i did the same many times with Graphic cards as well

) , so when experty ased me wat happened and i briefed him that i opened up the CPU and did wat-ever i wanted and wat-ever i have done with it many time since i m using this PC ... he smiled and took that in his custody , i told him ( to let him know that i know all the hardwares that are in it ) i told him that if he needed this modems instlalation files then he can call me and if he want that company's manufactured Graphic cards drivers then he can call me as well , i also told him that i have done many thing with its hardware ..... so next day my PC was ready but he said, he is unable to install VGA card and Voice card , then i told him that i have disabled both from BIOS and then he said " oh My GOD , it was the only probleme for wat i was worried since last 2 hours " hahhaha

... so my PC gave him a very tough time hahaha ... anywayz ,, i think now should have some sleep so let me win-up everything , it will take sometime bcoze i have to read and reply a few other posts too .. soo , Take Care You all .. and best of luck to you Dore for your Pc .. and a

message for your Pc

... hope you'll back soon with your Pc and your Pc will be running fine very soon ..
Best Regards