Hello everyone,
Z's pre transfusion hb last time was 10,at the interval of 4 weeks,so i thought to increase the interval a lil bit and see if she can hold hb between 9.5 and 10,so we decided to go on 4 and half weeks,like she had an appointment for 13th june and we transferred it to 17 june,that is tomorrow,and her hb today came back 8.5,its not only disappointing but a bit shocking too as i was hoping that in case it doesn't stay above 9.5,it must be above 9,and definitely not below it ,but it seems i was hoping too much,anyways now i am confused about her next appointment,should we stick to 4 weeks,or this time i shpould ask for an appointment of three weeks? Any suggestions ?

What is amazing is that usually i notice that she feels a bit down in her last week,but this time i didn't even notice that,and i was happy and thinking that may be we'd be able to extend her between transfusion gaps to 5 weeks,and then this hb of 8.5

We are waiting for her ferritin and Serum Creatinine results and SGPT will be done in the morning,so please pray that these results will be fine.