I do agree with you about tissue iron level,but what worries me a bit is that we have seen cases where people were religiously compliant but they still ended up having iron in their organs,and since we don't have any means to measure organ iron,this thing sometimes worries me a little,specially when Z puts her hand on left side of her tummy and complains of tummy ache,it may be nothing,and it doesn't happen often enough,but when she complains about pain in a specific area rather then whole tummy,it worries me a little that who knows whats going on in her body

I asked the doctor about T2* and Ferriscan,they are not available in Pakistan,he said he went to last thalassemia conference and there he met people who design software for T2*,he came back and told this about the head of hemotology at the hospital,but he said costing was an issue and as knowing affordability issues,this was obviously not going to be profitable for them

although they have all the setup and machinery available ,they only need the software.
I was really interested in the combination of ferriprox and exjade as they both are oral meds and are easy to take,but i was told that as they both work at cellular level and remove iron from tissues ,there is no need to take them together,but this would be a great advantage for people who either have desferal allergy or are on exjade but had severe iron overload in heart,do keep track of that little girl.