I just love the picture you have of lil Z. God bless our little princess.
Lil A is on a higher dose of exjade (approx 30mg/kg) in place of the combination therapy her was on. He receives 20cc/kg of blood every 3 weeks - which is higher than the recommended 15cc/kg of blood every 4 weeks. It is best at his age to stay ahead of iron accumulation, especially considering that his high tx frequency resulted in a little bit of iron overloading in 2008. He will have a SQUID and T2* repeated in February. By then we will also see if his tx frequency stabalizes in order to decide if his exjade dose needs to be adjusted.
The doc felt that it was best to give him a higher dose for 5 days, and a lower one for 2 days in order to reach what she felt was the best overall chelation for him. I wonder what they will do when in February. I would like to see his iron remain below 500, actually close to 100 if possible while he is growing.
Perhaps you require a maintenace dose, while lil A requires a slightly more aggressive dose

I hope that your chelation is going well
