Hello Leyton,
Welcome on the forum,this is the link to Brazilian Association of Thalassemia,
http://www.abrasta.org.br/eng/And this is the address and contact number for them,
Rua Sergio Tomás, 608 - Bom Retiro - Brazil - São Paulo/SP - CEP: 01131-010
Telephone: 55 (0xx11) 3361.9900
And i found a few more while searching,let's see if these can help you,
Mrs. Neuza C. Cattassini (President)
Associacao Brasiliera dos Thalassemicos
Al Rio Claro
190 Bloco F
1 Andar
CEP: 01332-010
Sao Paolo SP
Tel: 0055 11 287 5049
Fax: 055 11 283 0918
ABRASTA- Associacao Brasiliera dos Thalassemicos
113 Rua Da Quintada (6q Andar, sola 62)
Sao Paolo
CEP 01012
Tel: 011-366151
Telex: 21620 (Elum-BR)
Mr. Luis Carlos Salvaterra
Associacao de Pais e Amicos dos Thalassemicos
R. Parana 203
Campinas, SP 13030
Tel: 0055-192-391 301 Ext 7063,
Hope this helps.