HELLO EVERYONE.. how are you?
Just wanna apologized for not being so active in this past few months.
I've been so busy in the work and at our local thal group here at at Philippines!
I'm really thankful to God for giving me a chance to represent our group in the last ThalConference at Singapore...

I personally it's been a great ispiration to me seing other fellow thal especially those who manage well their case and have their own family now. Also we're so inspired and want to be like the Malaysian thal group co'z as a fellow asean thal country their group grew so well and they benefit from it well. We hope that some dayas one of the young group leader in our country we could be like you guys!

Thank's Andt for the chelators that you and your friend gave me! I'm always praying for you guy's to God that he'll guide, protect and bless all of you..
Hoping also that we could meet again someday in the future.
More power and Godbless to all and stay healthy!

signing out-rvpar27