Anjella, Dore, Zain , Canadian Family
( i think, i m writing your complete nickname for the very 1st time since i joined this roup

) :::
Hi to you All :
i want to say thanc from the Bottom of my heart to you all for the lovely messages, wishes and the prayers ...Thank you SoO0O0o0o0oO Much .... wat i di is nothing in front of wat i got to this group , lots ecouragement , un-conditional support , and caring and helping Friends and bros and sis , that wat i was searching for to a long time and then when i reached to this group i realized that's wat i wanted , i felt my search is over and finaly im in safe hands .... it was something that mean's whole world to me .... it is something that is too bigger infront of wat i did or tried to do for you people ...
Dore :
I really like to chat with you
SAme here dore ....
Zaini :
Two tips for you on Birthday:
1) Forget you past ,you can not change it.
2) Forget your present,because i couldn't get you one Between
its fine to forget the past but present its a lil dificult to forget/leave any ocassion to get a present ...
hahhahhaa but i got my present its a super present for me that yo aal wished me and made many prayers for me ... prayers and wishes mean's alot for me soo keep sending this kind of presentes .....
Canadian Family :

, your wiished me and that mean the world for me .. it gave the feeling of satisfaction that at-least i did something good, i know i didn't help anyone exactly and never gave exact sugestions but at-least i tried , that made me satisfied that i at-least tried to help you n all others ..

You all are soo kind hearted and hae a soft and lving hearts , a gifted heart by god .... thanx alot you all

Best Regards
Take Care