Hi Teadora,
I feel very sorry for you.

I know how bad you can feel by taking Exjade. In the past I lost even my sight for 10 minutes, but it was very scary.. I have lost 7 kilo's since the the start of Exjade in September. It is ok. It is the weight I had before i started with high doses of ferriprox what let me feel hungry all the time.
This is my 3rd or 4th try with Exjade. I am now in the stage of headaches all the time. My dosage is at the moment 1125mg, but I am thinking of reduce the dosage to 1000. What was the highest dogase you tried? Btw every 2 weeks I try take +125mg. Maybe I will try to take them after dinner and see of there's any difference.
Unfortunately, Exjade is my only option to get the ferritin down.
Zaini: My ferritin stays stable. It is still 2400. And my hgb was exactly the same as 1.5 weeks ago! It was 5.5 so that's 9.9 In this hospital it is impossible to let only your ferritin checked. So I will do that here in the local hospital 3days for my next transfusion. I hope I can make it to return to a montly transfusion scheme. And that is also better for the fe (when i stay at this dosage).
I prefer to think that my pain was caused by the iron. After the transfusion it became so terrible that I could only lay on the sofa. I did not take any painkillers. I have taken too much of them since September. I even succeed in sleeping the whole night with a hot water bottle.

In the past I had this pain only during or after transfusion. It seems that it was coincidence....
Good luck with desferal. Do you take it IV or.... ?
Best wishes from the Netherlands, Dore
p.s. Why this high ferritin? Because my child doctor undervalue this issue. I can not blame my parents. They trust that doctor; he was pretty famous. I can only blame him and hope that other patients dont experience this problem now.