This drug is the Nigella sativa (black seed) seeds but they are exposed to 13 steps of fermentation under certain conditions, these steps result in increasing their effiency without changing any of their chemical characteristics. Many clinical trails are done in different universities in Egypt ( as virus C is one of the main diseases here, about 15 million people infected by virus C ) and it shows very good results proven by tests and ultasound
http://www.valuemd.com/archive/index.php/t-152011.htmlA while ago there were many debates in our local newspapers about Rabicabir drug as it is produced by french labs and there are other Egyptian/French claims about the its name whether rabicabir or original baraka and i think they enede up using thr first name
Docotrs are divided between finding it a curative drug for virus C proven by tests and many clinical studies and other claim that it is no more than a good dietry supplement, Opposition papers claim that big drug companies are behind the campaingn of removing it from the market in order to defend the interferone drug that they produce
So any body heard of the the Rabicabir/ Original Baraka?
