Hi.. I thank to everyone who reads this. I am 21 y/o girl. I have seen with one hemotologist for a year and she told me that I have Hb H and it can be taken care by good diet and folic acid. Today, I went to see another hemotologist at another hospital and realized that Hb H disease is not minor( I've always thought as minor), it is Thal Intermedia. Lately, I have researched about it online, although I still don't get good answer. So, I better ask to real life people who are patients as me. My latest hemoglobin count is 7.9 ( I recently had infection and bad fever). I normally have around 9-10. This new doctor told me to take "Fer-In-Sol" which seems to be an iron supplement but my old hemotologist strongly advised me to avoid eating/taking either food or multivitamins that includes iron. I am confused. What should I do? I can't find ferritin level in my complete blood test. I am not sure if doctor has checked my spleen. I wonder if it can get worse and turn to thal major? Luckily I do not need transfusion now but will I get worse and need in the future? Although I don't have any plan to get a child in 5 years , doctor warned me that it will probably become a big problem when I decide to get a child. Do thal patients have better chance to miscarraige? Both me and my partner were premature babies. He also catches flu and cold easily but never bother to find out about if he is a carrier. I am afraid if I cannot get a child or my child will have life-threatening blood disorder. I will write more later. I'll be glad to read anyone reply. Any answer is appreciated. Have a nice day to y'all..