This happens to be one of the topics we discussed in the patient/parent session on the last day of the conference. Students in my group brought up that in general, it is hard to get any special consideration even though they do have to miss time from school for transfusions and treatments. It was suggested that students talk to school administrators, rather than individual teachers, when they need to arrange for considerations, such as time to make up missed work. The consensus was that thals do need some consideration and that both schools and employers should make efforts to accommodate their needs. I don't think thals should ever begrudge another thal getting "special" treatment, as it is usually necessary. And I don't think this is a thal only issue. Anyone with special medical needs should be allowed to make up time for when they can't be there due to treatment and with thals, overall condition should also be factored in, so that someone who is lagging because of something like low Hb, is given a fair chance to finish assignments and exams. It is a reality of thal life and it should be accepted by all.
By the way, in the US, it is required by law to arrange alternate hours for employees who miss some regular hours due to medical treatment needs.