Hi Sharmin ,
Thank you for concerning abt me ...
i hope little-A will b fine ... Best Regards and wishes for Little-A .... Plz keep us updated about little-A's health , i hope there will none other reason of Hg drop, thn the cold that he has .... Alots of Best wishes and regards for our very own ICe Hockey Super star .....
Hi Dore ,
Thank you for concerning abt me .....
i forgot to answer your question about qiting to Ferriprox here it is :
whether i was unable to walk bcoze of knee aches , but its not enough to quiting to a very beneficial drug/medicine like Ferriprox .. thats why i used to pass that time when ever i got ache in my knees .... that is the reason why i m not gonna quit to Feriprox until my doctor prescript me another drug for chelation like deferasirox ... yeah by the Grace of God i m feeling okidoki n ope that you are feeling the same ( super fine ) ... r u taking any other chelator ?? . as for i know you are on Exjade now a days .... wat abt you ?? .. .did Exjade suit you ??
another mistake that took place a few hours ago , i took 2nd dose of Ferriiprox of the day , and forget to tick mark on my chart

....... but soon i got remember and i marked that , shuh
Best Regards
Take Care