1-The Echo report came totally normal for his age and the cardio even told me that his heart is not beating that fast compared to his low Hb ( One information i knew today from the cardiologist is that, when a child has a fever, every increase in temperature by one grade increases the heart pulse 10 more beats)
2- Also the ultra sound report came normal for everything except for the typical increase of liver and spleen off course. The long axis of the spleen is 12.7 cm which is twice the normal size. Both organs are well except for the enlargement.
The GOOD NEWS is that Ahamd used to have a gravel in the gall bladder (1-2mm), but the report came that he is now totally free of any stones in the gall bladder

. The doctor made a long scan to try to find it but it has just disappeared. I never imagined that this could happen,but the hematologist said that these small gravels sometimes break to small pieces and are released out.
Andy, do you think taking magnesium for more than 8 months now has contributed to this?

3- Usually Ahmad's total Bilirubin is 1.7 or 1.8 when his HB is in the 6 to 6.6 range. I have noticed that two or three months ago, the bilirubin started to increase to 2 and to 2.5. Even last month when his HB was 7.1, it didn't go down and it was also 2. This month it is 2.4 , so does this indicate over activity of the spleen and if this is the case, the HB should have decreased but it is nearly the normal Hb for him but only the bilirubin increased?

The doctor told me it may be both the spleen and also the viral infection that caused this drop in HB. She usually measures the enlargement of the spleen by a measuring tape. In the past two years the minimum and the maximum measurement for the spleen were 3cm to 5cm more than the normal size. Today and for the first time, she measured it and it was 6cm

At the end, we agreed on starting the hydrea again, so starting today Ahmad is on the hydrea again (20mg/kilo). I really hate gving him the chemo, but there is no other way as i am afraid he could get worse.
She also changed the dose of folic acid (for one month) to 5mg a day and 10 mg the other day ( i mean alternating days)
As for the growth, he is okay and he is still in the 25th percentile for weight and height
I will update you again