Thank Jade so much for your wishes, they mean a lot.
As for our visit to the endocrinologist, She said that his growth rate is normal and constant till now. She is happy with him except for the very significant jaundice he has these days. She said that she will see him in 6 months instead of 3 months.
Talking to her about the DEXA, she didn't advice doing it at this age at all claiming that all the exact references are for adults and we will be degrading him if we did it. Unfortunatly, she told me that in a way or another the bones will be affected by time due to the chronic anemia, but she said we are doing all our best by keeping his levels (calcium, Vit D, phosphrous...) in the normal range.
I asked her about the trunk measurment (it was said in Singapore that it is very important to keep measuring the trunk in the sitting position and standing position especially those who are on
She told me that it is done here, but actually not that accurate and it is okay if i want to do it. So i will be doing it on my next visit to her in August.
As for the dentist visit, She told me that there is a mild protrusion in the upper jaw but it could be for a normal reason as he changed the lower incisors teeth but not yet the upper ones so this could be a cause for this. She will be able to confirm after he changes his teeth.
When she saw my daughter ( she is not a thal ), she told me that she has a very clear protrousion in the upper jaw. Therefore she said that i should not keep Ahmad's mild protrsuion in mind since she can not confirm at this age whether it is inherited like my daughter or due to thal or due to changing the teeth.
Anyway, she said that since she sees him twice a year for cleaning, she will be observing any changes.
The dentist told me that there are ways to adjust the the jaw back. But do you think this is advisable for a thal or useless since the cause is always there?

As for now i finished all the checkups, but actually i don't know why i don't feel good. I am really overloaded. Hope to get rid of this feeling.
Thanks for all yor feedbacks and wishes
