Prat's check up

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Offline Zaini

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2009, 08:48:23 AM »
Hi Puja,

Are you giving Prat Magnesium? It helps in maintaining RBC's health and strengthen the walls of RBC's.And a B-complex also might help as it helps building new cells.

Hope kids are fine  :hugfriend .



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2009, 02:34:15 PM »
Hi Puja,

I would suggest both a multivitamin and a B complex supplement be added to his daily routine.

By the way, I stopped taking wheatgrass for a couple months and recently started up again. The difference is quite noticeable.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Narendra

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2009, 02:40:38 PM »
I did not see IP6 either. Is there a reason why that is not in the list?


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2009, 04:36:44 PM »
Hi Puja,

I hope that Prat's hg increases to 10 again soon,

Best of luck,



Offline Manal

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2009, 06:56:10 PM »
Hi Puja

I also suggest that you give him Osteocare chewable, It has the magnesium as Zaini mentioned in addition to Zinc (very essential for growth), it has also some trace elemets that are important in the formation of blood

Calcium 800mg (100%RDA), Magnesium 300mg (100%RDA), Zinc 10mg (67%RDA), Copper 1mg, Manganese 0.5mg, Selenium 50ug, Vitamin D (as D3 200IU) 5ug (100%RDA), Boron 0.6mg

Did you ask the doctor for an explaination concerning this decrease?? Was this increase in HB a temprory one as a result of splenectomy???

I hope he really gets back to his levels again

Please keep updating



Offline poo gill

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2009, 05:55:37 AM »

Andy I will try to put him back on a multivitamin, the thing is the one he was using was a syrup based and i was seeing that his teeth are turning yellowish, so i was relying on the other supplements and i have not found any multivitamin so far which has everything except iron so far for kids. Also Andy if he takes a plain b complex and a mutlivitamin which also has b complex .. wont it to too much of B.

Zaini - Magnesium he is taking with his daily dose of calcium( it has 1000mg, 400 mg of magnesium, 15mg  ofzinc oxide and 1 mg copper) , but i think ill switch to  osteocare now.

Narendra - no the reason I P6 is mentioned becasue I have not tried yet. There are so many supplements and 24 hours.. sometimes I get skeptical about over dose and so many medicines and their effects on kidneys that is why I want to go slow. 

Andy - what wheatgrass you started on. What do you think shall i try

Manal - in Dec also Prat's hb had gone down and Dr Marwaha had just said to wait.  so I am waiting for another month to see.

Lots of love and thanks to all for your support.. really cant imagine doing all this alone.

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Offline Zaini

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2009, 06:31:38 AM »
There are so many supplements and 24 hours.. sometimes I get skeptical about over dose and so many medicines and their effects on kidneys that is why I want to go slow. 

Really should we be worried about that ??? I never ave it much thought but my husband is always skeptical about so many supplements :( Andy what do you think?



Offline poo gill

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2009, 06:57:21 AM »
No Zaini

I dint mean to get you worried  by right thal needs more supplements than the rest cos their body is working doubly hard, so they need more supplements. There are no two ways abt it.

 But my  first  concern is that there are so many supplements like FPP and wheat grass which are best to be given empty stomach.There is no time in their schedule full of schooling and other activities. IP 6 also needs empty stomach. I give calcium with his milk and then post breakfast  he is given hydrea, anti biotic( is given twice a day once in the morning post breakfast) , vitamin e and L carnitine(is it safe to combine e with carnitine or hydrea or antibiotic. What is the best combination cos I dont think there is any time of the day when we can give them only one medication.

 So it is always a challenge to find time and squeeze in a supplement.  I wonder sometimes wheter combining these so quickly one after another is it safe.

Second concern is   - we have heard that there have been so many cases of Kidney issues with long drawn medication schedule. So I am  thinking whether  we can help this medication issue  by giving them more water, so that all the extra stuff gets flushed out.


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Offline Manal

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2009, 12:35:01 AM »
I was more worried about stomach ulcers, but having supplements as we said before is a main pillar in the thal management. So all what we need to do is to:

1- Give the vitamins after meals (not on an empty stomach)
2- Select good brands of vitamins that are known of using good qualities in order to minimize any problms resulting from using low quality compounds
3- Give a lot of water to help get rid of toxins or follow detox programes (a bit difficult for children)

But finally the importance of supplements to thals out weighs any other concerns



Offline Zaini

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2009, 02:02:42 AM »
Thanks Manal  :hugfriend



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2009, 04:26:43 PM »
Hi Puja,

Most multi vitamins do not contain very high doses of B complex, but this needs to be checked. Amounts similar to what Sharni gives little A are a good choice (B complex 50). If you are looking for an alternative to wheatgrass tabs in order to cut down the amount of swallowing pills, try Dr Reynold's wheatgrass supershots. It's a sweet liquid that is swished around in the mouth for a minute before swallowing. The Singapore source for this is

301 Upper Thomson Road
#01-83 Thomson Plaza
Singapore 574408
Tel: (65) 6465 7005
Fax: (65) 6836 1192

For others interested, check

As far as too many supplements and kidneys etc, remember that things like wheatgrass and FPP are foods and should not be thought of as more vitamins. Also, it is safe to take wheatgrass, FPP and IP6 within the same empty stomach time period each day. Don't go overboard on vitamins by trying to take everything. A good multivitamin, a calcium supplement that also contains the other minerals, B complex, folic acid, and vitamins D & E are all good choices. All of these should be taken after meals to minimize any chance for stomach upset, and aside from the calcium, they should all be taken no more than once per day.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2009, 07:12:45 PM »
I also want to agree with Puja about the value of water. It is often overlooked but getting plenty of fluids is very important for everyone's health. It does help to detoxify the body, keeps the kidneys cleaned out and is necessary for so many functions. The body is mostly water and this should be acknowledged and respected and addressed. Many times when one gets that vague not feeling well condition, it is a simple matter of re-hydrating that will correct this. In warm weather, it may also be necessary to eat something a bit salty to replace salts lost through sweating. If you are dehydrated and feel foggy, you almost definitely need both water and salt. Sea salt is preferred. For those using desferal, drinking plenty of water is essential because iron is excreted in urine when using desferal and this will help eliminate the iron that desferal is chelating.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline poo gill

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #42 on: April 28, 2009, 04:32:05 AM »
Thanks Friends

But i have another question.

manal -  if you are saying not to give vitamins empty stomach then when do you give hydrea.

Actuall my regimen is like this.

7.30 am
 When he wakes up I give him Calcium 1000(with D, Magnesium  400and Zinc oxide 15mg and copper 1mg) with milk,

8.00 after that they get ready to school I have started the
1.chewy multivitamin (which contains vitamin a-1333iu , D3 100iu,e-7.45iu, B3 9mg , B6 1mg, Foic Acid 100msg,  , 2.B12 .5mcg, biotin 75mcg,  wihtout iron but it has alittle bit of C - 30mg)
 2.folic acid - 5mg,
 3.L carnitine(the bottle is 30 ml and says 5 ml contains Levocarnitine USP 500mg) -  i am giving  1 ml dropper once a day(normally i used to give 7 days a week, but Manal said give it 5 days so this week onwards I ahve reduced it).This  is a very confusing supplement and I have been giving him less,  as per manal's advise, and i think I should be giving him 3 times a day 5 ml. So I need to incorporate this also in the schedule.L carnitine -  if the dose is less like 3 ml - that is 3 times a day and is given 7 days a week will it still have adverse affects. Why do we need to break in and give a gap of 2 days. So is it right to do it Monday to Friday and give a break on Sat and Sunday.

8.20 am- I give hydro oxy urea( 5 days 1 capsules - 500 mg and 2 days - 2 capsules  of 500mg) and kay pan (anti biotic for spleen to be given twice a day). AS these are strong medicines i feel that giving after food is good, but please advise if i need to change.

Then they are in school for 3.30pm.

At 3.35 pm - i give FPP (empty stomach).  
4 pm After lunch another Kay pan 125.
6.30 pm- vitamin e(400 iu daily).

9pm after dinner - B complex 1 tablet  which has B1-50mg, B2-50mg,B3-50mg, B6-50mg,folic acid -100mcg,B12-50mcg, Biotin-50mcg, Panthenic acid 50mg, Choline bitatrate- 50mg, Inositol-50mg, Paba(para amino benzoic acid)- 50 mg.

Please advise  how should I tweek this regimen for better results. Which are the vitamins i can combine.

I am planning to start the wheat grass again and L carnitine has to be made 3 times a day instead of 1 time.



PS;  i could not find IP-6 in the pharmacy. does it need a doctor's prescriotion or is it Over the counter supplement.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 06:23:39 AM by poo gill »
"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2009, 06:28:48 AM »

B complex is the one you should always take with meals and you're already giving it to him after dinner. Hydroxyurea can be taken with or without food, so that is flexible, but if it's working there's no reason to change it. The antibiotic should have instructions as to when to take it. I don't think the timing of anything else needs changing. I would suggest that you make sure he gets some daily sun to supplement his vitamin D.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline poo gill

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Re: Prat's check up
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2009, 07:54:59 AM »
Thanks Andy

Sun he is getting plenty cos he is an outdoor person and there is no dirth of sun is Singapore. Some times too much of it.

Giving hydro oxy urea and Anti biotic together should be ok i guess...?

"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


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