Hi Puja
AS for Rectic count Dr marwaha said the same as Zaini, the bone marrow is producing the rbc's tht is why rectic count is higher. i checked his last year reports when hb was 5.91 then rectic count was 2 %.
But the relation between HB and the retic count (which reflects the activity of the bone marrow) in addition to bilirubin should be inversely propotional, meaning as long as the total HB is in a higher level, the retic count should decrease. Usually the retic increases when there is severe anemia because the bone marrow tries to work more hard to compansate for this low HB
As for Ahmad's bilirubin, it used to be around 1.7 for the past two years, but few months ago it started to be round 2 to 2.4 with the same HB level and with increased retic count. The only logical explaination was that (as Maha had told me ) his body is growing so it is working more harder to keep up with the same HB
But what i don't understand is that in Prat's case, a big percentage of his total HB is the fetal one because of hydrea, so why does his bone marrow needs to work so hard?

As for the bilirubin i don't think that you should get annoyed as it's increase is due to a metaboilic reason, but from my expierence, taking magnesium plays an important role in avoiding the formation of gall bladder stones
One important thing that Sharmin has mentioned from Oakland is the importance of taking baby asprin or coumadine to work as a blood thinner after splenctomy.
As for Prat's platlets, don't worry cause a fear of thrombophilia starts when plateles reach a million and at the same time as Andy had said before, lab technicians usually mistaken the small immature red cells for platles. It happened to me several times, check them again next month to make sure they are okay