One teaspoon of cumin seeds contains only 1.39 mg iron
Andy ,
buddy if you're gona say that 1mg is not a significant amount of iron then i want debate on it bcoze i dont agree to you on this , reason why i want debate is , here is my explaination behind my opinion ....
if i m not wrong
G = gram ( 1000 = 1kg )
MG = Micro/mili gram ( 1000mg = 1g )
NG = Nano Gram ( 1000 ng = 1mg )
1mg = 1000ng and S.fe reports show's the results in Ng . my last Ferriting report that i update here on this forum was something around 2300 ng = 2.30 mg .... if i take a meal that contain's 1mg iron , and half of that meal's iron got absorpt in my gut then my wat will be my ferritin ?
2800ng/2.80mg .... soo i dont think that 1mg iron isnot a significant amount ...
" IRON A Complete guide " download the document from this thread to read more about iron .. substances can reduce the amount of non-heme iron we absorb; these substances include tannins in coffee or tea, dairy, phytates (fiber), eggs and some types of chocolate. Calcium can impair the absorption of both non-heme and heme iron. Therefore if a person needs more iron, he or she should avoid these items to improve the amount of iron absorbed. But if a person has a problem of too much iron, he or she should use these items to help lower the amount of iron absorbed.
The greatest portion of iron in humans is in hemoglobin. Except in cases of great blood loss, pregnancy, or growth spurts, where larger amounts of iron are required, our bodies only need about 1 to 1.5 milligrams of iron per day to replace what is lost. Normal daily excretion of iron through urine, vaginal fluid, sweat, feces, and tears total about 1-1.5 milligrams, or the equivalent of what most of us require per day, to function normally.
(@ my under-standing) only non-thals need that amount of iron to be absorpted daily to replace what theylost , thals got alot of iron more than their needs , soo they dont need to take iron rich diet to replace losted iron ...
for more details read that document file ....
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Take Care