Hi to all
I have found the following info regarding how to administer a sub-q.
Choose the injection site. There are many sites that can be used for subcutaneous injection. Probably the most convenient, easiest and comfortable site is the anterior abdomen (belly). Avoid the area directly around the belly button (umbilicus). Choose the specific area of the abdomen where you will give this injection and cleanse it with a new, fresh alcohol sponge. (These are available prepackaged at any pharmacy.) Allow the area to air dry.
Inject medication. With your non-dominant hand (left hand for right handed people) pinch a fold of skin and hold it up. Then using your dominant hand pick up the syringe. Holding it like a pencil you want to QUICKLY dart it in to the skin fold. Insert the entire needle perpendicular to the skin and keep it there.
I have also found this great picture: ( I hope I have attached the link

IMPORTANT: Blood indicates that the needle has entered a blood vessel. If blood appears, withdraw the needle and discard.
Good Luck.