Pump Sites for Desferal Users

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Offline floWer

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Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« on: June 27, 2006, 11:14:42 AM »
Does anyone have any creative area they use their pump site?

I normally do it on my upper hips/back and if I feel happy enough I go for my stomach.  I stopped using my arms due to a bad experience and I find inner thighs are too painful.

Where do you prick yourself or get pricked?
« Last Edit: July 03, 2006, 04:50:19 AM by floWer »


Offline marionetteskies

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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2006, 06:15:11 AM »
Hi, I'd like to say that I'm a frequent reader of the posts at this forum and this is my second post. I've noticed that there are a lot of members from Asia and Australia. Anyone from the Bay Area? Anyway, I use my abdominal area for Desferal, but I may be switching to my thighs since I've got too many lumpy sores in the ab area. I prefer using my ab area though since it's more comfortable when it comes to mobility.  :biggrin


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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2006, 12:44:25 PM »
Hello to all

I tend to use my tummy area. Once upon a time I use to use my arms and inner thighs but that is just a thing of the past.

I think I would pass out if I had to use those areas again.


Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2006, 11:28:44 AM »
hi all,
I use for desferal my upper thighs and stomach.But i know its hard as i tend too,to get lots bruises and lumps.


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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 05:44:45 AM »
I've found a web site that contains a document on how to give a proper Sub-q injection. It is well illustrated and contains all the injection sites that has a sub-q layer. Unfortunately it is restricted to an injection via a syringe rather than a butterfly needle and thus only illustrates a 90o angle insertion which is not applicable to a butterfly. I have emailed them to make a guide for the butterfly needle. Hopefully they will post it here when they make it or email it to me and I will post it in the documents sub-forum.
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Offline sahil

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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2006, 06:34:42 PM »
Hi to all,
          I take my desferal pump on my thighs and i am happy with it and its not at all painful.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 02:54:19 PM by sahil3101 »
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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2007, 05:36:41 AM »
My wifed just started desferal and is using a port o cath for the IV. She has MDS/Applastic Annemia and has had blood transfusions  every 2-3 weeks for a year or so.  Iron was at 3000 when she started.


Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2007, 10:02:35 PM »

I see some members are using inner thighs for desferal, this is painful. We were instructed to use outer thigh muscle for desferal. The skin on inner thigh is soft and can be painful. Other possible sites are Upper arms (Outer side) and Ab area. Key note is use needle on the muscle where skin is thick.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2007, 07:45:07 AM »

I thought we should keep the needle in the subcutaneous layer (present between the skin and muscle), because if we hit the muscle, then OUCH! it is quite painful!

Anyone who can clarify this?

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Offline Miaki

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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2007, 12:30:51 PM »
Hi to all

I have found the following info regarding how to administer a sub-q.

Choose the injection site. There are many sites that can be used for subcutaneous injection. Probably the most convenient, easiest and comfortable site is the anterior abdomen (belly). Avoid the area directly around the belly button (umbilicus). Choose the specific area of the abdomen where you will give this injection and cleanse it with a new, fresh alcohol sponge. (These are available prepackaged at any pharmacy.) Allow the area to air dry.

Inject medication. With your non-dominant hand (left hand for right handed people) pinch a fold of skin and hold it up. Then using your dominant hand pick up the syringe. Holding it like a pencil you want to QUICKLY dart it in to the skin fold. Insert the entire needle perpendicular to the skin and keep it there.

I have also found this great picture: ( I hope I have attached the link  :huh)

IMPORTANT: Blood indicates that the needle has entered a blood vessel. If blood appears, withdraw the needle and discard.

Good Luck.



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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2007, 02:52:05 PM »
Yeah, this (yellow one) is the layer I am talking about; it separates the muscle from the skin.

Nice instructions for a syringe administration (probably Insulin etc), but I use a butterfly needle which can't be taped down in 90o :biggrin . Furthermore, the length of the needle will probably hit the muscle since I am very thin built.

I've searched everywhere on the net for a sub-q butterfly insertion instructions, but failed to find any ???

Well, I've learnt them the hard way: Do it yourself! :biggrin

Take care, Peace!
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Offline Ida-Maria

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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2007, 06:21:30 PM »
My sister an I just got new needles because we found the butterfly ones were too hard to stay flush with the skin where we are injecting ourselves. So our doctors in toronto sent us new needles - I think my sister had researched for them... anyway I think I found the site here!

Go to product overview >> then to contact and click that (thats the one we have) - also on the box it says thalaset.

It's easy and doesnt hurt. One thing I find though is that I think the needles we have are too short because the medicine leaks out... and you know that the desferal gets all crunchy and hard and thats annoying. My sister and I put our needles in in our tummy. I used to do my arms but they are now too hard and won't allow the medicine to go in anymore.  :biggrin
« Last Edit: February 07, 2007, 02:53:35 AM by Ida-Maria »


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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2007, 09:29:15 PM »
hi guys i have using my stomache area for the last 10years but now it has become very hard and very painfull so now i am using my arms.
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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2007, 11:45:17 AM »
I'm roldan..I usually insert the needle in my stomach although sometimes it reached the blood vessell because it bleed a little after I chilate..I'm 23now and also a diabetic patient also due to iron overload so pricking of needle everyday is my routine, inject insulin in the morning and afternoon then desferal at night... :whew
hmmm...judge me when we get to know each other


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Re: Pump Sites for Desferal Users
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2007, 07:19:56 AM »
I've found a web site that contains a document on how to give a proper Sub-q injection. It is well illustrated and contains all the injection sites that has a sub-q layer. Unfortunately it is restricted to an injection via a syringe rather than a butterfly needle and thus only illustrates a 90o angle insertion which is not applicable to a butterfly. I have emailed them to make a guide for the butterfly needle. Hopefully they will post it here when they make it or email it to me and I will post it in the documents sub-forum.

You could try using the thumb tack needle it uses a 90o insertion angle. I actually like this needle much more than butterfly's. If I am taking desferal I prefer to use these needles. Not many are a fan.


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