Hi Panos,
its nothing to worry about , be faithful with chelation ,...
i want to mention here something,
1st my Fe decreased from
9650 to 3582
then 3582 to 2902
then went up back to 3613
then it came down again 3613 to 2330
then 2330 to 2060 ...
soo, i think fluctuation/variation in S.fe level is nothing to worry about .. as other forum memebr told me that infection could b a reason of hike in S.Fe .. soo dont worry abt it and keep chelating...
your S.fe is decreasing day-by-day and you're doing good, soo please keep it up ... Way to go buddy ... its a little long to get your S.Fe in normal range but you can , and its not imposible as few other member has controled their Iron level quite well... dont worry abt the hike and keep chelating , its my main message to you Panos .... Wish you all the best of luck and everything

Best Regards
Take Care