Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?

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Offline floWer

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Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« on: June 27, 2006, 12:09:30 AM »
I'm just curious.

My results for my first MRI is 2.3.

Is this good?


Offline SalD

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Re: Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2006, 03:27:36 AM »

Hi FloWer!

Have you not had the results explained to you by your doctor?  Or do you just not have anything to compare this result to?  I hope you are able to get an answer to your question. 

I found this on the website (
The report returned contains a liver iron concentration expressed in two different units (mg of iron / g of liver tissue dry weight and mmol of iron / kg of liver tissue dry weight) and as an age adjusted measure (mmol/kg/year).

Maybe you could clarify which measure you are using and then other people can post a response using the same type of units so you can compare results. 

Good luck!


Offline floWer

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Re: Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2006, 10:51:26 AM »
Hi SalD,

I didn't get my results explain to me other then it looks "normal".  I had to squeeze a number out of my doctor.

I would like something to compare

Thank you for the web site.  I'll have a read

I will ask my doctor again regarding the measure they are using.




Offline jzd24

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Re: Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2006, 02:45:45 AM »
     I just had one done 3 weeks ago, and I am still waiting for the results. I will let you know what the numbers are when I get them.  Jean


Offline SalD

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Re: Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2006, 04:41:07 AM »

Hi FloWer,

Well I guess that as this is a new procedure, the "normal" ranges for iron levels in people with thalassaemia are just rough estimates.  Maybe your doctor was a little reluctant to make any strong statements about what your number means because of this.

I have located the paper where the work for this was first published, so you might like to have a look at it - although it is very technical so a little hard to understand:

Resonance Health have produced a technical information sheet which has a SUGGESTED list of ranges for Liver Iron Concentrations which can be accessed from:
This should give you an idea of what is "normal", however the important thing is what your doctor tells you about your results, as your doctor has your whole medical history.  If you have any questions about your results, the best thing to do is to write them down before you see your doctor so you can remember them in your appointment.  Sometimes when doctors start using new procedures they might not be able to answer your questions straight away, but may need to wait til your next appointment or answer by email.

I hope this is of some help!



Offline floWer

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Re: Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2006, 01:35:28 PM »
Thank you SalD,

That information is very useful.  The graph is very intersting.

Well I guess that as this is a new procedure, the "normal" ranges for iron levels in people with thalassaemia are just rough estimates.  Maybe your doctor was a little reluctant to make any strong statements about what your number means because of this.

I think this is accurate.  May be fustrating for me, but as you said he may not want to commit to stong statements.

Kind Regards

« Last Edit: June 30, 2006, 05:00:09 AM by floWer »


Offline floWer

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Re: Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2006, 01:36:46 PM »
     I just had one done 3 weeks ago, and I am still waiting for the results. I will let you know what the numbers are when I get them.  Jean

Thanks Jean,  I look forward to hear your results.


Offline Elone

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Re: Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2006, 09:18:33 PM »
If you are unable to get them to explain the result to you, ask for the report. You can send it to one of the doctor in the Thal community and get them to explain you :)


Offline Miaki

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Re: Liver MRI - What is the "normal" range?
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2006, 05:29:47 AM »
Hi guys,

I had my liver MRI done also recently and its been 4 weeks and still waiting on my results. I had a sneak peak at my file (lol) and found the result - I'm due to see my doctor next week and I'm going to find out if its good or bad. (yes I will keep you posted)

Something tells me tho I got to get cracking on it. What is normal level anyway?



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