What %tage of HLA typing needs?

  • 1 Replies
What %tage of HLA typing needs?
« on: February 17, 2009, 04:57:21 PM »
Hello friends.my son is Thal major patient, inshallah i am planing for his BMT. but unfortunately he is the only kid I have,. Now I am going to  do HLA typing from my Brother’s and sister’s kids. My son Consultant told me that it should be 100% match donor. Other wise don’t do BMT. Pls. guide that 60  or 70% is also considerable or NO thanks


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Re: What %tage of HLA typing needs?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 06:41:51 PM »
Dear Mumtaz,

BMT is a procedure that should be decided upon after careful consideration and consultation with a bmt clinic that has had considerable success with the procedure.  A complete match is required for a bmt in thalassemia, and a sibling donor is best.  When the marrow is not completely matched the procedure becomes extremely toxic and can be life threatening. 

If you plan to do a BMT ensure that your son's iron levels are low and that his thalassemia is very well managed because the better health a child is in before bmt the better they will do with the bmt. 

Best of luck,


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