Dear Friends,
The year 2010 started with a tough note for me.As i and my husband were down with viral fever our daughter Samyuktha's (In short Samyu) transfusion got delayed by 2 months.We usually transfuse her once every 5 weeks when her HB is around 8.5 gms/dl.
When we checked her HB pre transfusion 3 weeks back,i was shaken to find it very low at 4.5 gms/d .We transfused her with 220 ml Packed red blood cells(20ml/kg).Her weight is 11.5 Kg.The Doctor said she may need a transfusion again in 1 week since her HB will increase only up to 4 points maximum from 4.5 to 8.5 Gms/dl .When i checked her HB post transfusion i was more surprised when i got the value as 9.9 Gms/dl.
After 2 weeks we checked her HB to see how much it has dropped.But we were astonished to find her Hb at 10 gms/d .This happened last wednesday.Her HB had increased 0.1 decimal which had never happened before.
But we found her Serum Creatinine at 1.15 mgs/dl which was quite high and S.G.P.T at 37.0 U/L.
Her Asunra intake was upgraded from 200mg to 300 mg 2 months back.When i informed her Doctor about the high values of Serum Creatinine and S.G.P.T,she asked me to stop Asunra for 1 week and redo the Creatinine test.
After 1 week sans Asunra we repeated her Serum creatinine which dropped to 0.80mgs/dl and her S.G.P.T increased to 76.0 U/L :'(.
Moreover i was totally depressed to find her HB at 8.5 gms/dl.From last week value of 10 gms/dl to 8.5 gms/dl.Why such a droop?
What is happening with her Andy?
First her HB increased 0.1 decimal in a week and now it has dropped 1.5 points which has never happened before.And why did the S.G.P.T jumped from normal value of 37 to 76.0 U/L that too when she was with out Asunra intake

I am so confused Guys...
She is playing and doing her routine work as usual.But i am quite worried with the above readings.