Ahmad was prescribed vitamin E 400 mg alternating days but for now i just give it twice a week until i purchase a natural brand from abroad cause the only one from a natural source here is from wheat germ and it does not state whether iit has iron or not

As for your daughter, i think that it won't hurt giving her both the nigella (known to fight psoriasis too) and the colostrum. Actually i am doing the same for my daughter too, maybe it will help for her nose allergy and if not it is still good for her, that what i think
now the day is so crowded with supplements and the day is short. Lately i am giving the mutlivitamin, osteocare, l-carnitine and folic, one dose of carao all at the same time and i hope that is okay

. The rest of the day we have the other dose of carao, l-carnitine, aloe vera, osteocare again (i am thinking of getting the chewable because it is taken only once) and then the hydrea.
So where we are going to fit the nigella and colostrum,any way i will try to squeeze them but i am sure i will face a lot of stuggle especially with the nigella. i am sure we all have the same issue
