Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #75 on: March 23, 2009, 02:33:20 PM »
For more information on nigella see http://www.theepicentre.com/Spices/nigella.html

Nigella sativa
Fam: Ranunculaceae

Nigella has been used since antiquity by Asian herbalists and pharmacists and was used for culinary purposes by the Romans. The seeds are known to repel certain insects and can be used like moth balls. The name nigella derives from the Latin nigellus, or niger, meaning black.

Spice Description
Nigella seeds are small, matte-black grains with a rough surface and an oily white interior. They are roughly triangulate, 1 1/2 - 3 mm (1/16 to 1/8 in ) long. They are similar to onion seeds.
Bouquet: The seeds have little bouquet, though when they are rubbed they give off an aroma reminiscent of oregano.
Flavour: Slightly bitter and peppery with a crunchy texture.
Hotness Scale: 3

Preparation and Storage
The seeds may be used whole or ground and are usually fried or roasted before use The are easily crushed in a mortar and pestle.

Culinary Uses
Nigella is used in India and the Middle East as a spice and condiment and occasionally in Europe as both a pepper substitute and a spice. It is widely used in Indian cuisines, particularly in mildly braised lamb dishes such as korma. It is also added to vegetable and dhal dishes as well as in chutneys. The seeds are sprinkled on to naan bread before baking. Nigella is an ingredient of some garam masalas and is one of the five spices in panch phoran. In the Middle East nigella is added to bread dough.

Attributed Medicinal Properties
Nigella is used in Indian medicine as a carminative and stimulant and is used against indigestion and bowel complaints. In India it is used to induce post-natal uterine contraction and promote lactation. The seed yields a volatile oil containing melanthin, nigilline, damascene and tannin. Melanthin is toxic in large dosages and Niugelline is paralytic, so this spice must be used in moderation.

Plant Description and Cultivation
An herbaceous annual of the buttercup family, about 60 cm (2 ft) high. The gray--green leaves are wispy and threadlike. Flowers are have five petals bout 2.5 cm wide (1 in), white with blue veins and appearing between June and September. They yield a seed capsule with five compartments each topped by a spike. The compartments open when dried to disperse the seeds. Nigella is native to western Asia where it grows both wild and cultivated. India, Egypt and the Middle East also cultivate it.

Other Names
Black Caraway, Black Cumin, Black Seed, Damascena, Devil in-the-bush, Fennel flower, Melanthion, Nutmeg Flower, Roman Coriander, Wild Onion Seed
French: cheveux de Venus, nigell, poivrette
German: Scharzkummel (black caraway)
Italian: nigella
Spanish: neguilla
Indian: kala zeera (lit, ‘black cumin’), kalonji, krishnajiraka

Recipes using nigella
Nigella is used in Naan Bread and in Lobhia.

Nigella is an ingredient of panch phoron, found in our Indian Spice Collection.

Bibliographic References and Further Reading

Illustrations by Barbara McGee, exclusively for the Epicentre. © 2003. All rights reserved.

This is a spice that is easily used in many dishes and adds a mild flavor that I find delicious. There are many herbs and spices used in Asian cooking that have very good medicinal properties. Creating foods that are both flavorful and good for your health is a good way to ingest these herbs without feeling like you're taking another medicine.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #76 on: March 23, 2009, 11:57:08 PM »
Thank you Andy,
I am very glad that I am giving nigella to the kids.



Offline maha

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #77 on: March 24, 2009, 07:36:10 AM »
Do check the following link. It tells you how to use the black seeds and oil for different ailments.


take care


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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #78 on: March 24, 2009, 07:47:57 AM »
Thanx for the link , i was desprately looking for a link like this one .. Thanx alot ... its realy a comprehensive web's link .. Five Stars ***** ... :thankyou2

Best Regards
Take Care
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Offline Manal

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #79 on: March 24, 2009, 10:02:05 PM »
Thank you so much Maha :hugfriend



Offline maha

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #80 on: March 25, 2009, 04:49:05 AM »
You are most welcome Umair and Manal  :hugfriend. I have resumed giving Hassan 1tsp of black seed oil with 2tsp of honey and this time without aloevera. In the beginning we were very surprised as to why a hemato-oncologist ask anyone to give a herbal preparation, but I just found out that he is a nutritionist as well.



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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #81 on: March 25, 2009, 05:10:35 AM »
Hotness Scale: 3
AOA Maha,
i think 1tsp is too much for your little one , as this herb considered as hot herb and i heard that it should be taken in low quantity , 25mg or 11 seeds ,  i think you have to reset his dose ..
its my personal view, i would appreciate if other member's share any suggstions over it ..

Best Regards
Take Care
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Offline Sharmin

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #82 on: March 25, 2009, 05:15:40 AM »
Thank you Maha,

Umair, I am giving my son and daughter 1/4 tsp each.  I am not an expert though - I have read on the site that adults take 1/2 tsp therefore I though that 1/4 tsp would be good for the kids  ??? ??? Not sure...



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #83 on: March 25, 2009, 05:42:45 AM »
One thing I notice in this thread is that sometimes people are talking about taking nigella seeds and sometimes nigella oil, and with the oil there is a big difference between a cold pressed nigella oil and an essential nigella oil, as essential oils are very concentrated. When I read one teaspoon of nigella oil, I assume it is the cold pressed oil, which is safe to take in teaspoon quantities. Essential oils would be measured in drops and a much smaller volume would be used. So, the different forms should be used according to that form and can't really be compared.

If you Google "nigella oil" you will see many results concerning studies  on the many different properties and medicinal uses of nigella. It's an amazing and tasty herb, and I've been using it in many different foods. Today was in egg salad. I hope it has some effect on my asthma.

Maha, that's great that the hematologist is also a nutritionist. I wish more doctors would study the value of nutrients, including the properties of herbs.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline maha

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #84 on: March 25, 2009, 06:57:15 AM »
Yes Andy, you are right, the oil I use is cold pressed. We had asked the doc about the dose and he insisted on giving him one tsp and at that time Hassan was just 2. He has taken it for 6 months previous to starting Asunra and the only problem he had was stools. But now I know it was because of Aloevera. Almost everyone on Exjade observe an elevated ALT readings, but Alhumdulillah Hassan`s ALT so far is in the middle of the normal scale. Maybe it could be the blackseed oil he had or maybe not.

Another thing I would like to mention here that the doc asked us to give five dates ( Barni dates) daily. I did find Barni dates here (its one of the cheapest variety), but couldn`t get Hassan to eat them .



Offline Manal

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #85 on: March 25, 2009, 07:10:20 AM »
One important note that i read about nigella seeds or oil is that it should not be taken by pregnant women because it can cause abortion as well as contraction of utreus after birth


Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #86 on: March 25, 2009, 01:30:57 PM »
We are buying Nigella seeds. The plan is to grind them very fine, mix it with honey and try giving it to her. Hope she likes it.



Offline Sharmin

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #87 on: March 25, 2009, 05:29:04 PM »
One important note that i read about nigella seeds or oil is that it should not be taken by pregnant women because it can cause abortion as well as contraction of utreus after birth

Manal, thank you for that info.  A friend of mine has severe allergies, some respiratory.  I was going to recommend nigella because she does not wish to be on antihistamines during pregnancy (she is hoping to get pregnant soon).  I was going to ask whether it would be a good idea for a pregnant woman to be taking nigella - and you have answered my question for me :)

Canadian Family,  good luck with the nigella. 



Offline Manal

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #88 on: March 25, 2009, 08:52:37 PM »
You welcome Sharmin :hugfriend

Actually i was astonished to read this information, but there was no explaination for it



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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #89 on: June 05, 2009, 04:17:54 AM »
Hi All ,
i  wana ask that , if anyone who is on Asunra/Exjade is using Nigella+honey ??... one of my friend is on exjade and want to start Nigella+honey but only question he have iis anyone using both things at the same time ,, not exactly same but on empty stomach with difference of 3 hours in morning that isanother qeustion but first and important question is he can take nigella while he is using asunra/exjade ...

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