Far Infra red Rays - Benefits

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Far Infra red Rays - Benefits
« on: March 06, 2009, 12:31:56 PM »
Hello All

I am enclosing some interesting stuff about Far Infra Red Rays. Please ignore the mention of some products mentioned like necklace, sauna,  which have been mentioned in the articles below. I wanted you to study the technology so am researching these articles, so just keep an over all view in mind.

Far Infrared
Also known as Far Infrared Ray (FIR) or Heat Therapy.
History, Benefits and Cancer.

Far Infrared is the 'chi' energy in humans and animals, also emitted from sunlight. The intensity of Far Infrared produced by the human body constantly fluctuates. When its intensity is high, we feel healthy and are able to overcome ailments. When the Far Infrared (FIR) begins to decline, we are subject to disease and illness and tend to age more quickly. Far Infrared heat will never cause our skin to burn. Far Infrared heat is completely healthy and safe for all living things.

FIR or infrared ray energy is a part of the natural light spectrum of sunlight minus the skin damaging UV, which is why NASA spacecraft have utilized this heat. In Asia and Europe it has already revolutionized health and beauty products.

Far Infrared ray is a form of light energy from the sun. It falls within the same family of Infrared rays in the light spectrum. But due to its longer wavelengths, FIR cannot be seen by human eyes, just like the Ultraviolet rays. The energy is absolutely ESSENTIAL & BENEFICIAL for human beings and all living things in the world.

FIR has the ability to penetrate, refract, radiate & reflect. The human body can absorb FIR because of its deep penetrating ability. When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy into heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissue cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, promoting better blood circulation, and the heat produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating.

Far Infrared heat therapy is known to prevent, combat and kill cancerous cells.
What is Far Infrared - Cancer
What is Far Infrared therapy (FIR) and what does it do:
Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions.
1) Far Infrared expands capillaries which stimulates increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation.
2) Far Infrared is excellent for detox. Scientists in Japan report that in the FIR treatment of clogged capillary vessels, heat expands the capillaries and then initiates the start of a process to dissolve hidden toxins. Far Infrared thereby promotes elimination of fats, chemicals and toxins from the blood: Poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals - toxic substances from food processing - lactic acid, free fatty acids, and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue - excess sodium associated with hypertension - and uric acid which causes pain. Furthermore, if sebaceous glands are activated, accumulated cosmetics in pores can be eliminated through the skin (sweat and oil glands) rather than by the kidneys.  
3) Far Infrared stimulates enzyme activity and metabolism - FIR burns calories by raising the metabolism and body temperature. FIR heat also breaks down cellulite - trapped water, fat and waste.
4) Far Infrared promotes the killing of many pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. 5) Far Infrared promotes rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury). Furthermore, it increases growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration. Excellent for healing burns, scar tissue and skin problems.
6) Far Infrared relieves nervous tension and relaxes autoneuro muscles thereby helping the body make the most of its intended healing abilities. FIR reduces soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms, as muscle fibers are heated.
7) Far Infrared strengthens the Immune System by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus. 8) Far Infrared strengthens the Cardiovascular System by causing heart rate and cardiac output increase, and diastolic blood pressure decrease - Extensive research by NASA in the early 1980's led to the conclusion that far infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight.
The evolution of Far Infrared therapy and the technology available today
History - How Far Infrared therapy came into being:
Our bodies radiate far infrared energy through the skin at 3 to 50 microns, with most output at 9.4 microns. Our palms emit FIR energy also, between 8 and 14 microns. 'Palm Healing', an ancient tradition in China, has used the healing properties of far infrared rays for 3,000 years. These natural healers emit energy and heat radiating from their hands to heal, much the same as Reiki healers do. Current research conducted in Taiwan has measured significant far infrared energy emitted from the hands of Chi Gong masters. Yogis in India also employ palm healing and recommend it especially for relieving eye strain. Thermal therapy has in fact been in existence for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Finns, the Romans, the ancient Chinese and the American Indians.
Since ancient times, people have believed that exposure to sunshine can maintain and even enhance health. Sun therapy is a form of natural FIR thermal therapy. Far Infrared Ray are the invisible rays of natural sunlight that have the longest wavelength. However, sunbathing should only be enjoyed in moderation since sunlight contains ultra-violet ray which are potentially damaging. There is also no temperature control and sunshine is only available seasonally.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum of light consists of visible rays and invisible rays. In fact, the visible spectrum of light to the human eye is only a small fraction of entire range of light energy rays.
Invisible Light:   Visible Light:   Invisible Heat Rays:
Cosmic Ray - 7 Ray - X-Ray -
Ultra Violet Ray.   Violet, indigo, blue, green,
yellow, orange, red.   INFRARED RAY-
Microwaves -
Long waves -
Electric Waves.
Near Infrared Ray
(intense heat can cause harm)
0.76 - 1.56 microns   Mid Infrared Ray
-(intense heat can cause harm)
1.5 - 4 microns   Far Infrared Ray
Longer waves beneficial to humans and living things.
4 - 1000 microns
Traditional forms of heat therapy can be hazardous, uncomfortable, unhygienic, inefficient and ineffective. Saunas create exposure to extremely high temperatures causing heat stress which can have detrimental effects on health, especially for people with a heart condition or high blood pressure. Thermal compression's and wraps are uncomfortable, heat is easily lost, temperature does not remain constant and maintaining a thermal compression or wrap is problematic and inconvenient.
Far Infrared Technology 2008:
In the last forty years, scientific evidence has found that deep heat can enhance the beneficial effects of healing therapy. Scientists have looked at ways of how to develop more effective forms of thermal treatment that target specific areas and enable deep heat penetration. Research and development in the sixties, notably most extensively in Japan, introduced the Far Infrared Ray (FIR) thermal technology. This revolutionized thermal technology is effective, safe, natural, hygienic, and efficient approach to thermal treatment. Today there are multiple health and medical professionals internationally who rehabilitate and treat a multitude of physical problems by using heat therapy. Relief of sports injuries via thermal therapy is just one example of treatment. Cancer is the most significant treated illiness.
The Japanese and Far Infrared Products:
During the last decade or so, the Japanese have extensively researched Far Infrared Technology for use in the fields of healing, preservation, cooking, drying and heating. Well over 150 significant patents were granted between 1977-1987.
'The Scientific Basis and Therapeutic Benefits of FIR Therapy'
Written by acclaimed Japanese medical doctor and researcher Sasaki Kyuo.
Far Infrared Medical Healing Worldwide.
Over the last 25 years, Japanese and Chinese researchers and clinicians have completed extensive research on far infrared medical treatments and report many amazing discoveries. In Japan, there is an 'infrared society' composed of medical doctors and physical therapists dedicated to further infrared research. Their findings support the outstanding health benefits of far infrared therapy as a method of healing.
Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa, a member of the Research and Development Department of Fuji Medical, received a patent in 1965 for a zirconia ceramic infrared heater used in the first healing infrared thermal systems. Medical practitioners in Japan were the only ones using infrared thermal systems for 14 years. In 1979, they were finally released for public use. The technique has been further refined into infrared thermal systems that have been sold in the USA since 1981. One use of infrared heat in the USA has been in the form of panels used in hospital nurseries to warm newborns.
To date, there have been over 700,000 infrared thermal systems sold in Asia for whole body treatments. An additional 30 million people have received localized infrared treatment in Asia, Europe, and Australia. In Germany, physicians in an independently developed form have used whole body infrared therapy for over 80 years.
Far Infrared technology is generating outstanding results and is rapidly gaining worldwide recognition and acclaim: The benefits of  FIR technology are truly phenomenal beyond the initial feelings of well being and relaxation. A wide variety of health and fitness systems are available internationally.
Of Interest:
In the winter, we feel comfortable with a sweater on when the room air temperature is 70F. In the summer, we feel more comfortable wearing a t-shirt in the same room air temperature of 70F. The explanation is that even though the air temperature is the same, the walls and ceiling radiate FIR waves from the outside sunshine during the summer, which thereby causes our bodies to be warmer.
Couples that sleep together act as transmitters and receivers of FIR waves to each other. If you sleep alone, you act as a transmitter of FIR waves, but you receive none. When people sit together and talk, they are sending out and receiving vibrations of FIR from each other.

Health challenges below, have been reported in Japan and China,
as alleviated, reduced or eliminated by the use of Far Infrared Therapy:
Cancer, Leukemia, Prostate Cancer
Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinus problems,
Colds, Flu, Fever.
Excess Body Fat/Weight Loss,  Cellulite, Obesity.
High Blood Pressure, Chronic Nephritis.
Circulation problems - Body Odor.
Rheumatism, Chilblains, Gout.
Hemorrhoids and Piles.
Swelling, Inflammation - Arthritis.
Tendonitis, Tumors, Mastitis
Back, Shoulder, Neck and Muscular Pains.
Neuralgia and Abnormal Nerve Functions.
Herpes, Paralysis, Sciatica.   Skin Elasticity and Texture.
Chapping, Skin Aging, Wrinkles.
Damaged, Burnt and Scarred Tissue
Clogged Pores, Pimples, Acne
Toxicity, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Cystitis, Uric Acid.
Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers.
Menstrual problems, PMS, Yeast problems,
Fungus, Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites.
Migraine, Headaches, Nose Bleeds - Earache,
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Raynaud's Disease.
Diabetes Mellitus.
Sports Injuries.

Far Infrared Therapy and Cancer Treatment:
In the US the mainstream thinking on cancer treatment has undergone great changes. Surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are considered detrimental to health and invasive treatments. Thermal therapy and immuo-therapy are non-invasive.

1) Cancerous cells cannot exist if blood circulation is smooth and continuous. A cancerous cell has to stop moving to proliferate.
The cancerous cell's positioning, or settling down, is directly related to the capillaries, which are at the end of the blood vessels. The cancer cell tries to position itself by going through the capillary. If it goes through, there could be no settling down or positioning of the cancer cell - which is what happens if there is good blood circulation. If the cancer cell fails to pass through the capillary because of some functional disorder in the circulation, the cell could easily position itself. Good blood circulation of the capillaries - without functional disorder - leaves no way for the cancerous cell to settle down and position itself. The cell will then be killed by the immunocyte (the immunity cell).
The Klinik St. George Hospital - www.klinik-st-georg.de  in Bad Aibling, Germany, has treated 2500 German and 2500 foreign patients each year. Their cancer treatment regime is a week of detoxification and strengthening the immune system with diet and nutritional supplements, followed by 2 weeks of localized Infrared hypothermia treatment and low dose chemotherapy. This regime has produced great success in treating cancers.

2) The cancerous cell has a weakness, heat.
It will die if the temperature goes above 42C/107.6 F.
a) Far Infrared treatment raises body temperature to 42 degrees C.
b) Far Infrared heat penetrates through the body and kills existing cancerous cells.
c) Far Infrared heat enables capillaries to expand, thus enabling good circulation and combating the potential existence of cancer cells.
d) Far Infrared thermal therapy can alleviate pain and prolong life when conventional cancer treatment fails.
Far Infrared Therapy for Stomach Cancer and Obesity:
"A former wrestler who weighed in over 220 pounds with a large pot belly came to my clinic. He had a fist sized bulge in the middle of his belly from stomach cancer. Moreover, since he was over 70 years old, he was told that they could not operate on him. He came to my clinic after he was told that he had only 3 more months to live. Because of his obesity, we considered weight reduction. While watching a balanced diet, he underwent far infrared sauna treatment, losing 45 lbs in 2 months. Furthermore, through the heat treatment effect of the far far infrared sauna, the tumor got smaller in 2 months, and his stomach pains were reduced within a few days. Since his body strength was not down at this point, we gave him cancer suppressing pills and continued the daily heat therapy by far infrared waves. His stiff and hard belly walls gradually became soft and his appetite increased. With improved results, the cancer suppressing pills were stopped, fearing any side effects. As a result of continued treatment in the clinic for one year, he was well enough to be discharged." - Dr. Toshio Yamazaki, Japan.
                                                                                                                                                 Far Infrared Therapy for Prostate Cancer: Prostate Testimonials
"In May of 2001 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was told that my PSA blood count was a bit over 1800. This is an extremely high count. My wife called her son, Ken, and he came out right away and brought the far infrared HotHouse with him. He had told us about the success others had achieved with lowering their counts while using the HotHouse, and I was willing to try anything, as I did not want to undergo radiation or chemotherapy.
I started using the HotHouse immediately and ordered one for myself that night. After biopsies, bone scans and ultrasounds, I was told at the end of May, that my PSA blood count was at 1885, and that the cancer had spread to my bones (back, pelvis, legs, head, etc.).
On June 1st we went to the Cancer Clinic and got the pills to begin the hormone therapy to inhibit the growth of cancer. On June 12th I was taken to the hospital by ambulance after suffering a mild heart attack (unrelated to the cancer). Before leaving the hospital, the doctor injected my first hormone therapy shot. The whole time I had been using the FIR HotHouse everyday as long as possible. Some nights I would stay under it all night, waking up only to turn it back on again. During the day I would use it whenever I had the chance.
On July 19th, I went back to the doctor to have my PSA count done again to monitor the cancer. My count had dropped from 1885 to 30!!! This happened in only 12 weeks, one week of which I was in hospital and unable to use the HotHouse. As 30 is still a very high PSA count I will continue to use the HotHouse with total confidence that I will be able to bring my cancer to 0. Thanks to my stepson Ken and HTE for such a great machine!".-  Merl Bowers Picture Butte, Alberta, Canada.
Cancer Testimonials
Ovarian, Colon, Breast.
Japanese Research and Benefits
Far Infrared Medical Facts and Data.
Combating Cancer Via Oxygenation
Cancer has two powerful enemies, Far Infrared and Oxygen.
 A clean, safe natural therapy that gets results  Reduces swelling and pain  Improves the autonomic functions of the nervous system  Improves muscle tone and strength  Penetrating warmth improves circulation  Promotes regeneration and fast healing  Increases the level of oxygen in the cells  Increases energy levels  Reduces waste products from the cells  Activates the water molecules in the body  Reduces lactic acid build-up in the muscle tissue  Releases Toxins stored in the body  Reduces fatty acids in the tissues  Prevents bacterial growth  Reduces odors
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 12:56:48 PM by poo gill »
"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


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Re: Far Infra red Rays - Benefits
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2009, 12:37:06 PM »
Far Infrared Rays (Fir)

What is Far Infra red rays?

Infrared is a band of light that we perceive as heat. While we cannot see infrared heat, we can feel its effects. Infrared radiation, or radiant heat, represents over half of the energy emitted by the Sun and is divided into three segments: near, middle, and far.

Infrared rays heat our body by a process called conversion. Through conversion, far infrared heat can penetrate organic substances such as the human body without heating the air in between. You may notice a similar effect on partly cloudy days: when a cloud obscures the sun, you suddenly feel cooler, but the air temperature around you has not had time to be affected. The cloud blocked the sun�s infrared rays from penetrating your body.

 So exactly what is far infrared rays? And what has it got to do with you and I? And how does it affect us?
 I must admit when I first heard about far infrared therapy, I was somewhat skeptical. I mean how can you believe in something you cant see, right? So I wasn’t sure what all the buzz was about until I started reading medical studies and listening to testimonials from people who have benefitted greatly from this natural remedy.
 Vital Rays
 How is it, light rays below the level of human sight can be of such great benefit  to our bodies? At the time, I had no idea just how vital far infrared rays are for all of us. Until I read the science of this miraculous biogenetic energy and its amazing connection to our health and well being. Imagine, specific wavelengths of infrared light working in unison with your molecular make-up to stimulate and improve your health, emotionally and physically.
 Electromagnetic Spectrum
 As you probably already know, the electromagnetic spectrum of light consists of visible rays and invisible rays. In fact, the visible spectrum of light to the human eye is only a small fraction of entire range of light energy rays.
 If you study the chart above you can see what I’m talking about. The infrared spectrum is under the invisible light and is divided into three (3) ranges of Near, Medium and Far Infrared Rays.

Physical Characteristic of FIR
 Far infrared rays are photons of light energy radiating within a specific measurement of wavelengths from 4 to 1,000 micron respectively. Although, far infrared is invisible to the human eye it can be felt. Many skeptics are somewhat astonished to discover a warm soothing feeling when they try on far infrared products.

Upon being absorbed by the soft tissues of your body, FIR (6-14microns) appears to be most resonant with cell tissues and harmonizes with your own life-force energy. This natural process known as resonance absorption produces warmth and stimulates your metabolism. Making these wavelengths of light maybe just as important as vitamins and minerals to the body’s proper functioning.
 Resonance Absorption
Natural far infrared rays emitted and reflected from bio-necklace therapy are of the same intrinsic vibration frequency as the cellular makeup of your hands. Thats why these vital rays of light energy are so easily absorbed deep into the soft tissues of muscles and joints. This natural process is known as “resonance-absorption”.

Far Infrared Light, Therapy Of The Future?
Far infrared is proving to be a factor in strengthening the body’s resistance to infectious diseases, increasing the oxygen capacity of the blood, and improving stress tolerance. Exposure to FIR increases lymphocytes and neutrophils, and reduces the frequency of colds and respiratory infections
Anti-Aging Factor
Far infrared light stimulates the production of cell tissue and rapidly promotes the regeneration of skin and blood tissue in areas exposed to its healing rays. It speeds cellular metabolic rates by stimulating the activity of mitochondria, and triggering enzyme activity. Helping to flush toxins and reduce pain and swelling.
  Far Infrared Benefits The Whole Body
Regular exposure to far infrared rays is similar to physical exercise in its effects on the body. Improving the balance of blood pressure, blood sugar, and an increase in oxygen and nutrients in your cells. Resulting in increased muscle strength, vitality and mental stability.
 Natural wavelengths of far infrared light, for example, are essential for bone growth as well as preventing osteoporosis, regulating hormonal functions and boosting your immune system.
 Beyond Exercise And Nutrition
Far infrared light affects the hormonal balance of the body, in levels of
    Melatonin: hormone derived from serotonin, produced by the pineal gland plays a role in sleep, aging, and reproduction
    Cortisone: naturally
occurring steroid hormone, primarily in carbohydrate metabolism and is
used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, adrenal insufficiency,
certain allergies, and gout.
    Testosterone: white crystalline steroid hormone, most potent naturally occurring androgen.
 Similar To Photosynthesis
You need to think of the affects of far infrared photons of light to a process similar to the photosynthesis process in plants bio FIR is converted by the body into electrochemical impulses and sent to the pineal and pituitary glands, which in turn produce healthy hormones that are sent through the central nervous system to all the cells of your body. Thus, light is essential to the functioning of our entire endocrine system.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 12:58:34 PM by poo gill »
"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


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Re: Far Infra red Rays - Benefits
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2009, 12:50:24 PM »
Health Benefits of Far Infrared (FIR) Therapy
Due to the level of pollution we are exposed to and its many sources, as well as poor dietary and exercise habits, the therapeutic value of regular sweating has become immense.     It has benefits for both body and mind.
Better Circulation and Increased Energy

The FIR energy that is absorbed by human cells, causing a physical phenomenon called “resonance”. Thus the cellular activities are instantly invigorated, resulting in a better blood circulation and an overall improved metabolism.

Strengthens Cardiovascular System - As the body increases sweat production to cool itself, the heart pumps blood at a greater rate boosting circulation. Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while blood pressure drops for improved cardiovascular fitness. If your blood pressure is already low, you will find that the regular FIR therapy has a  regulating effect on the blood pressure. The Mayo Clinic heart studies of end congestive heart failure patients showed improvement within three weeks. A study was published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2001, to determine whether infrared therapy improves blood vessel function in patients with risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking. Patients were treated with FIR therapy for 15 minutes, once a day, for 2 weeks. Results: significantly lowered blood pressure, weight loss, lowered blood sugar, significantly increased blood flow, lowered cholesterol and lowered triglycerides. This suggests a preventive role for FIR use for arteriosclerosis.

Boosts Immune System - The body temperature rises 1-3 degrees. White blood cells and killer T cells produce, boosting the immune response to kill viruses and bacteria. Combined with the elimination of toxins and wastes produced by the infrared therapy, your overall health and resistance to disease is increased. Taking the toxic load off the body quickly improves allergies. "Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer." - Dr. Josef M. Issels

Pain Relief - A major health benefit of infrared therapy is in the area of reduction of pain in muscles and joints. Hyperthermia or heat therapy helps to reduce pain, inflammation and edema by acting on nerve endings as well as encouraging production of endorphins, which act as natural analgesics. Stimulating the dilation of peripheral blood vessels, brings relief to muscles and speeds the healing of soft tissue injuries. Increased blood circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen rich blood to depleted muscles to speed up the body's natural recovery process. Infrared therapy has been successfully used to reduce pain from a variety of conditions including whiplash, arthritis, bursitis, sciatica, back pain, neuritis, menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, migraines, gout and chronic muscle spasms. "Much of the stiffness, aches and soreness that comes with aging is reduced or eliminated." -USA Clinical Study. "Whole body far infrared heat relieved pain from burns and decreased healing time with less scarring." -Japanese Clinical Study.

Speed Recovery from Injuries
- For injuries, FIR generated heat stimulates vasodilatation of peripheral blood vessels, bringing oxygen to joints and extremities, speeding the healing of sprains and strains, thus relieving pain and reducing the time it takes the human body to recover from an injury.

Weight Loss and Cellulite - Toxins stored in fat are decreased making it easier for weight loss. While the weight of water loss can be regained by rehydration, the calories consumed will not be. Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of fat, water and wastes which are trapped in pockets below the skin. The intense sweating in regular FIR sessions helps clear this form of unwanted debris. The FIR therapy is a great way for people that don't like to, or are not able to exercise, to lose weight and have a passive cardio. "Far infrared therapy created weight loss through sweating, the energy expended to produce sweating and through direct excretion of fat." -Japanese Clinical Study

Skin Care - Profuse sweating achieved carries off deeply embedded impurities and dead skin cells leaving the skin immaculately clean. Increased circulation draws the skin's own natural oils and nutrients to the surface. This results in improved texture, skin tone and elasticity. Regular FIR users are said to have more youthful skin that "glows." People with chronic skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosaceous will benefit from regular sessions. Fully formed scars, even keloids, can be gradually softened. Burns and other wounds or incisions may heal with significantly reduced scarring.

Reduces Stress and Fatigue - Perhaps the most immediate relief FIR offers is simple relaxation, as it melts away the stresses and tensions of urban life. Due to the many physiological effects of heat  therapy, people feel less stressed and report being able to sleep better.  A FIR session relaxes muscles, circulates blood, stimulates the heart and releases endorphins, providing a feeling of invigoration and well being.

Cancer - "Now we have the proof that it is the steady, silent accumulation of chemicals and toxins over a lifetime that produces most diseases, including cancer. If we get these ubiquitously unavoidable toxic chemicals out of the body, we can reverse and even cure the most hopeless diseases. Since the far infrared sauna is the safest, most efficacious and economical way to depurate stored toxins, this makes it a household necessity." - Dr. Sherry Rogers, MD, ABEM, ABFP "...in addition, cancer cells do not like hyperthermia (heat) or high oxygen content, both of which are provided by the far infrared sauna, which also boosts the immune system." - Dr T. Alibhai, ND, BSc Jim Chan, ND has treated about 5,000 cancer patients. He explains that far infrared therapy has the ability to break up the protective rings around harmful molecules in the body so they're no longer cancer-causing. It also weakens the bonds between toxins and human tissues, so stored toxins can be flushed out of the system faster and in greater quantities through the skin (via sweating), liver and bowels. Cancer cannot survive in an environment of temperatures more than 42C (107.6F). In addition to its detoxifying effects, FIR heat actually helps kill cancer cells, increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce the side-effects of conventional therapies. At the same time, it boosts the body's regenerative abilities.

Detoxify Your Body - The effect of detoxification is one of the most interesting and wide-ranging benefits of FIR therapy. The deep penetrating infrared heat causes chemicals such as potentially carcinogenic heavy metals, pesticides, PCB's, alcohol, nicotine, sodium, ammonia, uric acid, cholesterol and fat-soluble chemicals to be released from the fat cells and tissues into the lymph fluid. Since sweat is made from the lymph fluid, toxins present will exit the body through the sweat. By taking this detoxifying load off your liver and kidneys, even chronically ill people will experience a significant benefit. One study found that the sweat formed in conventional saunas is 97 percent water. In FIR therapy, only 80 percent of the sweat is composed of water, the remaining 20 percent consists of toxins, poisons and waste.

"Our bodies have become a virtual dumping ground for the hundreds of thousands of toxic compounds that invade our air, water, food and cleaners. Over 3000 chemicals are added to our food and over 10,000 chemical solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives are used for food processing, storage and packaging. There are more than 20,000 chemicals that our bodies cannot metabolize. Studies of chemicals stored in the fat of humans show that 100% of people have dioxins, diochlorobenzene, PCB's, xylene and styrene residue for example." - US Environmental Protection Agency

"The FIR heat causes a profoundly deep sweat, flushing large amounts of toxic acids and heavy metals from the body." - Robert O. Young, PhD, DSc
"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


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