I am new to this forum, I am 37 and was recently told that I have thal minor, although I have always been told that I had low iron. My most recent blood work had my hemoglobbin 11.8, hematocrit 39.4, MCV 78.6, MCH 23.6, MCHC 30.0 and my total bilirubin is 2.20. Again I was always told that my iron was low but never anything about the thal minor until recently and always had the elevated bilirubin which my father also has and we were both told this is called Gilbert's Syndrome. Can the elevated bilirubin be related to the thal minor?
I am not sure which of my parents that this comes from, but one of my sons was diagnosed as being thal minor about 6 months old and as everyone else seems to be told, I was told that he just needs to be aware because of the genetic possibilities when he is older. My other son (20 months old) recently had repeated blood work and I was told that his RBC are small but my pediatrician says it is iron defiency not thal trait and I asked if he was sure that my son does not have the thal trait since my other son does and he said he was sure that it is not. I am not sure what to believe.
I seem to have a lot of the same symptoms of a lot of the other thal minor people here, the constant fatigue, irritability but i guess that can come from a lot of things?
I would appreciate any insight.